The Voice, The X Factor

The Voice vs. The X Factor: What fair fans have to say


The Voice and The X Factor are going head to head in the fight to win singing show viewers this fall.

So I figured what better place to find out which show local fans prefer than at the York Fair, where former American Idol finalist Lauren Alaina was performing Saturday night.

Turns out the majority of the fans I talked to actually prefer The Voice.

Sorry about that, Simon.

Here’s what folks had to say …

Phoenix Fisher, Hanover: “I like The Voice. It’s a funnier show. It’s just fun to watch. Plus, they judge people on how they sound, not just how they look.”

Jeanamarie Banta, Gettysburg College student from Clark, N.J.: “I like The X Factor better because they have better judges. I’ve been a fan of Britney Spears for a long time.”

Paige Boose of Dallastown: Says she prefers The Voice because Blake Shelton is one of the judges and because Simon Cowell isn’t a member of its judging panel. “I don’t like Simon,” she said.

Caleb Lower of York: Says he prefers The Voice because it seems to hinge more on a singer’s “natural ability.” He also likes the fact that Blake Shelton is a judge.

Carrie Sterner of Reading: Said she watches The X Factor, not The Voice. “I just like FOX better. Plus Simon’s on The X Factor.”

Tammy Hamm of Delta: Said she prefers The Voice. “I love the blind audition concept. You look at some of the people and you wouldn’t think they’d be fabulous on stage, but they are. It just seems to be a much more fair evaluation.”

Emily Ham of Delta: Said she prefers The Voice. “Part of it is that I prefer the judges on that show. Plus, if more than one judge wants a singer, the singer gets to choose and the judges have to fight for them.”

Sandy Garr, Camp Hill: Said she prefers The Voice. She, too, likes the blind auditions, where the judges “don’t see them singing until they turn around. All they have to go on is the (contestant’s) voice.”

Leah Garr, Camp Hill: Said she prefers The X Factor. “I like Britney Spears and Demi Lovato as judges a lot,” she said. “I love to hear what they have to say about people’s singing.”

Don Markle Jr., New Oxford: Prefers The X Factor. “I think they have better talent on The X Facotr. I really don’t like any of the singers on The Voice.”

Lisa Petrisko, New Freedom: Prefers The Voice, partly because of the blind audition process. “Plus Blake Shelton. And Adam Levine is on it. That’s another good reason.”

For those counting, that’s seven fans who prefer The Voice compared to four who prefer The X Factor.

Hardly scientific, I know.

But certainly not the greatest of news for Simon and Co.

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1 Comment

  1. Toni lee December 13, 2012 at 1:34 pm -  Reply

    I can say a lot. Tate Stevens deserves it much more he is the best. And Carly rose gas her life way a head if her she sometimes is very boring. All slow songs. My first choice is Tate 2nd emblem 3 3rd Carly rose. I thinking th harmony came a long way tho. But it sounds to much like being at a school play. Take two if the girls out of there and let them be one they sing good. Two of them they all are good I like to watch both. Voice & XFactor but if I had to let one go it would be X factor Voice is smashing they are great My favorite on voice is Nicklous David. But open the eyes connect to the fans Who should win on voice the best performer and singer and that is terry but ask me he is a lil cocky the last girl standing on voice she has a beautiful voice it would not surprise me if she won. But nick. That voice is like old school. Like al green. On X factor britt. She should be on voice as a judge she is way to nice . She wants to win real bad thou but Simon. He begs just like Adam an Christina did on voice do maybe Simon will not have either one left !!! Simon I think is good looking I would let him put his shoes under my bed anytime but he acts like a baby ! Celo green my husband like u. Because u are just a simple man an calm. My favorite country singer is Alan Jackson and Blake shelton. Then I heard this group on jimmy Fallon oh my gosh watch out Blake and Alan. I loved them. Zac brown and his band beautiful music sound a lot like back home up state by.

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