Season 9, Season 9 Hollywood

Group night — those who survived and those who didn’t


Mary Powers tried to lead The Dreamers on American Idol's group night, but only 3 of the 5 survived. (! That was a lot to follow tonight on American Idol, wasn’t it.

But I’ll give Idol this. The show seems to have learned its lesson. Or at least I hope that’s the explanation for what we just saw.

A year ago, the group night episode was full of drama, but focused on just a handful of characters.

Tonight, we got reacquainted with quite a few contestants who might be around for a while.

And we saw so many on stage … well, it was enough to make one’s head spin.

So if you missed anything, here’s a rundown on who’s gone and who will still be around when the show returns next Tuesday.

This list is by no means Hope Johnson wound up in the most dysfunctional of American Idol's group performance groups, but managed to survive. ( But I think it includes everyone mentioned in tonight’s episode, plus a few extras.


Ben Honeycutt
Carmen Turner
Danny Jones
Dave Pittman
Erynne Hundley
Kat Nestle (dropped out)
Kim Kerbow
Kimberly Carver
Leah Laurenti
Margo May
Mark Labriola
Matt Lawrence
Michael Castro
Moorea Masa
Seth Rollins

Still Around

Alex Lambert
Andrew Garcia
Angela Martin
Ashley Rodriguez
Casey James
Alex Lambert was the other survivor from Team Dream on American Idol's group night. ( Vance
Christian Spear
Crystal Bowersox
Haeley Vaughn
Hope Johnson
J.B. Ahfua
Janell Wheeler
Jareb Liewer
Jeff Goldford
Jermaine Purifory
Jermaine Sellers
Jessica Cunningham
John Park
Katelynn Epperly
Katie Stevens
Keia Johnson
Liz Rooney
Lloyd Thomas
Maddie Penrose
Mary Powers
Michael Lynche
Michelle DeLamor
Paige Miles
Siobhan Magnus
Tasha Layton
Timothy Urban
Thaddeus Johnson
Thiery Harden
Todrick Hall
Tori Kelly
Tyler Grady

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