Cassadee Pope, The Voice

Cassadee Pope sitting at #1 on country album chart


Season 3 Voice winner Cassadee Pope released her long-awaited debut album today.

And as of 10 a.m., the album was sitting at number seven on the iTunes albums chart and at number one on the iTunes country album chart. By 2:30 p.m., the album had advanced to number six on the overall chart.

Cassadee Pope sent out this photo this morning from the set of Today.

Cassadee Pope sent out this photo this morning from the set of Today.

Regardless of how the album does in terms of sales from this point on, that’s the biggest splash yet by a winner of NBC’s The Voice.

And if her album isn’t a sales hit, it won’t be because Cassadee isn’t promoting it enough.

She appeared on Today this morning to perform. Head here to watch the video.

She’s planning a live chat and performance on StageIt at 7 p.m. Friday with all donations going to Outnumber Hunger.

Her “Cassadee Pope: Frame by Frame” documentary type series is airing on CMT.

And if you want the story behind the songs on “Frame by Frame,” just head to YouTube for a series of 30-second clips of her talking about each song.

Back on iTunes, Miley Cyrus is sitting at number one on the album chart this morning with her new album Bangerz.

Also landing between Cassadee and the top spot at the moment are albums from Panic at the Disco, Pusha T, Lorde and Drake.

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