After The Voice

Kelsie May talks about finding her sound and a new single


Kelsie May, a Season 8 contestant on The Voice, recently rleased her first single since.

Kelsie May, a Season 8 contestant on The Voice, recently rleased her first single since.

It had been three years since Kelsie May landed a spot on Season 8 of The Voice.

It had been longer than that since she released original music.

But the young woman from Louisa, Ken., released a new single called “Driving” last month, as well as an accompanying music video.

The reason for the three-year gap is simple, Kelsie tells Voice Views. She’s needed time to define her sound.

After all, she was just 15 when she auditioned for The Voice and landed a spot on Team Blake Shelton.

“Being one of the youngest contestants on The Voice was a surreal experience,” she says. “I was surrounded by artists who were just that — artists.

“They had a vision of who they were and of what they wanted to sound like, not just what they thought might look and sound cool. I waited to a few years to release new music, because I needed time to develop my own artistic vision.”

In addition to a defined sound, Kelsie May has a record deal; the single was release by Blue Sapphire Music Group.

And since the Voice, she says she’s gotten a chance to work with some of her vocal and songwriting heroes, including Pam Tillis, Sarah Evans and Jewel.

She also just served as celebrity judge at the WCHS Idol competition hosted by the West Virginia TV station, with the top finishers earning front-of-the-line passes at an Idol bus tour audition stop in Charleston next month.

As for that new single, Kelsie wrote “Driving” and says it’s one of her songs that “flowed naturally.”

“There’s been so many times I’ve wanted to just turn up the music, drown everything out, and look at my surroundings through a rear view mirror,” she says. “I think everyone’s had that similar experience, so the song does its job for that reason. It’s connectable and I think that’s every songwriter’s goal.”

Kelsie says she’s already working on a follow-up single. And while she’s always been a country artist, she’ll be branching out into gospel music as well.

“The cool thing about writing is that you’re able to keep a snapshot of your life through songs,” Kelsie says. “I was recently saved and baptized, so everyone will not only be able to listen to my journey through family dynamics and relationships, but my journey to Christ.

“Country music will always have a piece of my heart, but I’ll also be pursuing gospel music to spread all things Christ. Everyone can also expect A LOT of hugging at my upcoming shows, because I’ve missed the ones I’ve met and I’m excited to meet the ones I haven’t.”

You can keep up with Kelsie through Instagram and check out the official music video for “Driving” on her Facebook page. On Twitter, she’s @kelsiemaymusic.

Here’s Kelsie doing a live version of “Driving.”

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