Adam Lambert, The Voice

Adam Lambert: ‘Get ready for me, Levine’


Adam Lambert arrives for the American Idol finale. (AP Photo)You have to respect the way Adam Lambert handled the little dust-up that resulted from last night’s episode of The Voice.

For those who missed it, Nakia performed Adam’s “Whataya Want from Me,” after which he was critiqued by each of the judges on The Voice.

Adam Levine of Maroon 5 said he’d never heard the song before, but said Nakia made him a fan of it quite quickly.

Then, inserting foot in mouth, he said he was pretty sure Nakia sang it better than the original.


Of course, anyone who has listened to Adam Lambert’s version of the song knows that isn’t true. Few singers around have a voice with the pureness or range of Adam Lambert. His recent Glam Nation Live CD is pure vocal magic.

Nakia’s version was solid, his vocal quite good, his showmanship even better.

But better than Adam Lambert?


Naturally, Adam Levine’s comment drew an immediate backlash from Adam Lambert supporters.

Adam Lambert urged them not to get so hot under the collar, tweeting … “I think Adam might know who I am after this next album. Get ready for me, Levine.”

He quickly added: “But for the record, I’m def a Maroon5 fan. Fans: there is NO reason to be angry. Thanks for being protective, but it’s all good.”

The Glam Nation rocker also complimented Nakia for a “great performance.”

Two hours ago, Adam Levine chimed in on Twitter as well: “No disrespect intended for Adam Lambert … I honestly had never heard the song before. I’m not one to take cheap shots like that.”

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1 Comment

  1. Joan June 23, 2011 at 5:13 am -  Reply

    Levine just apologized on E!

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