Season Seven, Season Seven Finals

After week 2: Ranking the remaining Idols


How many times can Kristy Lee Cook dodge the elimination bullet on American Idol?

Wow, she did it again last night, meaning she’ll get another chance to show Simon she can blow him out of his socks.

And viewers all over America will get to see what other songs and sayings she can mangle.

Bye, bye, Amanda Overmyer. Even’s endorsement couldn’t save you.

Wonder who they’ll pick next?

Kristy Lee, where are you?

So here we go, my own humble Idol rankings after five weeks of competition.

1. David Archuleta: Bounced back strong this week, and the girls start screaming as soon as he steps on stage, so he’s in this for the long haul.

2. David Cook: Simon called him “smug” Tuesday night. He’s earning the right to be a little “smug.” He’s been the most consistent performer since this competition began.

3. Jason Casto: Is he the third most talented singer on the show? No way. But he’s winning lots of votes with dreads and a smile, and anyone who thinks this is all about talent forgot what happened to Melinda Doolittle, last year’s best singer among the final 12.

4. Brooke White: My wife said she’d be in the bottom three this week. I said no way. She wasn’t. That’s because she’s the most talented and likable of the remaining ladies, even on an off week.

5. Syesha Mercado: This placement is more wishful thinking than anything, because I think she’s a better singer than most of the guys in the competition. For some reason, she just isn’t clicking with the audience.

6. Michael Johns: A couple weeks ago, I thought this good-looking guy from down under would be a cinch to finish very close to the top. Instead, he continues to stumble from one so-so performance to another.

7. Carly Smithson: She was in the bottom three this week, which means America gets it. She’s a ringer. She’s a favorite among the judges. And she wasn’t very good with that overblown rendition of “Blackbird.”

8. Chikezie: The singing won’t wow you, but he’s certainly been the most entertaining Idol the last two weeks.

9. Ramiele Mulabay: She must be getting lots of “oh, she’s so cute” votes. Because she sure can’t be getting too many, “wow, that girl can sing” votes.

10. Kristy Lee Cook: She can’t survive next week. Can she?

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