After American Idol

Alex Preston turns to Kickstarter to fund 2nd album


Alex Preston, from American Idol Season 13, has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a new album.

Alex Preston, from American Idol Season 13, has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a new album.

Looks like we’ll be getting a second album from Season 13 American Idol standout Alex Preston.

The 23-year-old singer-songwriter from New Hampshire launched his second Kickstarter campaign earlier this month.

And with 19 days remaining in the campaign, Alex has already raised nearly $7,000, surpassing his inital goal of $5,000.

A successful Kickstarter campaign also helped fund Alex’s self-titled debut album, released in the summer of 2015.

For that album, Alex headed off to a secluded cabin in the Sierra Nevada mountains and started writing.

In his Kickstarter pitch, he says album number two won’t be quite so do-it-yourself.

He plans to work with a professional producer this time around, and turn to members of John Mayer’s band for a musical assist.

Oh, and he’s also relocated to Nashville, where he says he’ll have more time to work on the project.

“I really believe in this project,” Alex says. “I have a lot of people here in Nashville who really believe in this project. I hope we can make something big out of it.”

You can check out the rewards Alex is offering for various pledge amounts here. You can get a digital download of the new album for as little as $5. Or a hard copy and a phone call from Alex for just $25.

The estimated delivery date for the album is July of this year.

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