The Voice

Alisan Porter, Lacy Madingo lead way on iTunes for The Voice

Alisan Porter and Lacy Mandigo rehearse with Christina Aguilera. (NBC Photo)

Alisan Porter and Lacy Mandigo rehearse with Christina Aguilera. (NBC Photo)


All six battle round songs featured on Monday’s episode of The Voice charted on iTunes Tuesday.

But only one cracked the Top 200 singles chart.

And that would be the show-closing performance of “California Dreamin'” by Alisan Porter and Lacy Madingo.

Alisan turned four chairs with her blind audition performance of “Blue Bayou” — the most successful song from that round on iTunes — and entered the battle as the heavy favorite.

But Lacy turned in an impressive performance too. Impressive enough to earn a steal from Blake Shelton.

Their version of “California Dreamin'” was sitting at number 95 on iTunes’ overall singles chart when Tuesday’s episode ended. It was number 38 on the pop chart.

Also charting from Monday’s show:

Adam Wakefield and Jared Harder, “Can’t You See” — number 66 on the country singles chart

Daniel Passino and Kristen Marie, “Turning Tables” — number 117 on the pop singles chart

Caroline Burns versus Mike Schiavo, “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” — number 121 on the pop singles chart

Abby Celso and Brian Nhira, “Sugar” — number 128 on the pop singles chart

Emily Keener and Jonathan Bach, “Explosion” — number 132 on the pop singles chart

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