The Voice

Allegra Miles talks about her blind audition on The Voice


Allegra Miles performs during her blind audition on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Allegra Miles performs during her blind audition on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Allegra Miles says being a contestant of The Voice has always been a dream of hers, so she was determined to keep trying until she succeeded.

Well, she succeeded in Season 18, in a big way, receiving praise from all the coaches for her cover of “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon.

The 16-year-old from West Palm Beach, Fla., prompted chair turns from Kelly Clarkson very early in the performance and Nick Jonas later on.

She elected to join Team Nick. Here’s what Allegra told Voice Views about her blind audition experience.

Voice Views: How did you wind up auditioning for The Voice Season 18 and what prompted you to do it?

Allegra: I’ve actually auditioned for The Voice 4 or 5 times (the initial auditions). I first auditioned for season 14 when I was 14, and kept auditioning every season until I’ve finally wound up where I am now. My family and I have watched the show for a while, and it’s just something that’s always been a dream of mine — something I’ve always wanted to do. After not making it so many times, I began to lose hope, but I kept pushing and working harder every time, and it finally paid off. I’m so so grateful for all of this.

Voice Views: Why did you choose “Use Somebody” for your audition song? What’s your performance history with that song (for instance, is it one you’ve played often)?

Allegra: “Use Somebody” has been an extremely special song to me for as long as I’ve known it. I’ve played it at gigs for about a year and a half now, in various settings. I loved the song when I first heard it, but I didn’t really understand the meaning/ emotion behind it until I broke it down and created my own arrangement. If you really listen to the lyrics, it’s a song about someone who is lost, reaching out for someone/ something to help them. It’s also a song of hope/ faith, knowing that you will eventually find what you’ve been searching for.

I can definitely connect with all of that — In my lowest points of depression, music was the only thing that gave me any hope/ peace.. it grounded me and reminded me who I was. I’ve felt lost for a lot of my life, with depression/ anxiety clouding my thoughts, as well as just trying to find my way/ purpose in life. For a while, I felt as though I might never find myself, but music has found me. This song has reminded me to keep the hope, and keep pushing, cause eventually you WILL find yourself, even though it might take some time. It has inspired and healed me in so many ways, and I’m really grateful I got to do this song with my arrangement for the blind auditions — it means so much to me. I feel as though no other song would have represented who I am to the extent that this song did.

Voice Views: Did you have a coaching preference heading into the blind audition? Why did you decide to go with Nick Jonas as your coach?

Allegra: Honestly, music-wise, I connect with John Legend the most out of all the coaches, so he was one of my top picks going into the audition. However, I’ve always loved Kelly quite a lot as well, and I really appreciate what she has done for her artists after the show, so I was drawn to her as well. Nevertheless, Nick definitely won me over in the moment. When I first realized that both of them had turned around, I was almost positive that I was going to pick Kelly. She started off with a great pitch and she was really gunning for me.

However, Nick was really good with his words and illustrated how we connect in a lot of different ways, and I definitely felt that. He really strongly expressed how much he believed in me, and, I realized that it would be a wise choice to go with the newest coach — a fresh perspective/ coaching style. Nick is also extremely relevant/ successful right now, with the Jonas Brothers being one of the most popular groups currently out there. The final thing that pushed me over was when Nick offered me his Jacket… I had to go with him at that point! I still have NOT gotten his jacket, so I’m going to have to hold him accountable soon. 🙂

Voice Views: You came off as incredibly composed for that blind audition performance. What’s the biggest thing you’d done musically as a solo performer prior to The Voice?

Allegra: The biggest thing I’ve done musically before The Voice was singing solo at Carnegie Hall in 2017. I participated in American Protege, an international vocal competition, and the winners got the incredible opportunity of performing at Carnegie Hall. It was an unreal experience that I’m so grateful to have had.

Voice Views: And what was that blind audition experience like? You had a chair turn just 30 seconds into that performance. Where you aware of what the coaches were doing?

Allegra: I was so, so nervous for the audition — before, and even when it started. Right before I walked onstage for it, I really couldn’t grasp in my head what I was about to do — it didn’t feel real at all. I was still really nervous when I started singing, but that dissipated when Kelly turned her chair. It was an unbelievable relief and I just felt a wave of freedom / the strength to keep going. Then, when Nick turned, I didn’t even know what to do with myself. It was all a blur, just the definition of surreal. It’s something I’ve dreamed about for a long time, so I couldn’t even comprehend the fact that I was really doing it. To this day, it honestly still doesn’t feel real. I’m so unbelievably grateful for all of this.”

For more on Allegra, her background with music and her social media links, head here.

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