OK, I gotta confess. I’m a little flabergasted, dazed and bewildered by what we all just witnessed.
But I’ve recovered enough to declare this: Not for a moment do I believe what the judges said at the end of tonight’s last performance show of American Idol.
All three judges declared that Lauren should win. What does this prove?
That the judges who started out the season as judges, then became cheerleaders when the live shows began have now graduated to nincompoops.
Total loons.
Follow Randy’s logic for a moment. After Lauren Alaina finished singing her final song tonight, he declares: “Finally! It’s the Lauren Alaina we met in Nashville … Lauren Alaina has arrived.”
So for that — for one 90-second performance — she deserves to be the American Idol? We just ignore all the previous performance shows? All those shows where she failed, even once, to be the top performer of the night? Seriously?
First, I’m a firm believer that when you get to the Idol finale, you consider the body of a contestants’ work, not just the final three performances. Only when the contestants are incredibly close should the winner of the night be the winner of the American Idol crown.
And if you consider the body of these contestants’ work, Scotty McCreery HAS TO BE the season 10 American Idol. He’s been the consistent performer all season long, week after week turning in one of the best performances of the final 13, the final 11, the final whatever. It didn’t matter. Scotty McCreery stepped on stage, you knew you were going to hear a decent vocal.
Lauren Alaina? Since being proclaimed “the one” back in the auditions, she’s failed to live up to that proclamation.
In fact, I’m not even sure she was the better performer in Tuesday’s finale.
Her final performance might have come off as the best of the night. Why? Well, she was given the better round-three song to sing. She was escorted from the stage to the crowd by Ryan. She got to hug her mother. All the while singing a song called “Like My Mother Does.”
In other words, Idol was trying its best to create a moment. If it accomplished that, it was as much because of the staging as the vocal. If anything, the vocal on the song started weak before Lauren gained her stride.
Of course, poor Lauren strained a vocal chord prior to Tuesday’s show. For a while, apparently, it looked like Haley Reinhart might have to duke it out with Scotty.
But the 16-year-old got some medical attention, dusted herself off and promptly strained vocally through her first two songs (“Flat on the Floor” and “Maybe It Was Memphis”).
Not that the judges noticed. They didn’t make a single mention of Lauren’s straining in a vain attempt to equal Carrie Underwood’s “Flat on the Floor” vocal.
Meanwhile, Scotty confidently reprised his favorite performance of the season, “Gone,” then turned in a perfectly credible version of George Strait’s “Check Yes or No.”
I wasn’t a big fan of the song he’s been saddled with for his first single (“Love You This Big”), but he sang it fine.
Which brings us to the bottom line:
If Scotty is showered with confetti tomorrow night, Idol will have a worthy champion, someone who’s done consistently well all season long, delivered a couple of “moments” and performed as though he belongs on the Idol stage.
If Lauren Alaina wins … well, we’ll have our least deserving American Idol ever.
It’s really that simple.
Now, some other random impressions from Tuesday’s show.
1) The pace was all wrong. This is a show that stretches out the drama as long as humanly possible whenever it has a chance. We get to the performance finale, and the contestants are rushed on and off the stage like Idol can’t wait to get on with things.
2) Those things would include a worthless performance of a new Coke song … I forget the name and don’t even care that I forgot … by Taio Cruz. The best part was when the mic cut out. Really, Idol? This couldn’t wait until tomorrow night when there’s a 2-hour, 7-minute time slot to fill.
3) What was with all those swaying arms in the front of the audience for the last two songs? Was that supposed to someone make them more moving? It came off as staged as it was. Not to mention distracting.
4) Idol was in such a rush, that the judges didn’t even get to speak until each contestant had finished the second song. As noted earlier, theses judges are useless. But this is when we’re going to silence the judges? In the performance finale? What sense does that make?
5) It all had the feeling of a very bungled finale. Where everything was just rushed together. I can’t imagine how it would have come off it Haley really would have had to sub for Lauren Alaina.
6) Then the judges spoke. And Steven Tyler should be fired. Tonight. He should not even be allowed to appear on tomorrow’s show. The scenario: We’re down to the final two contestants. He’s asked to give his opinion on who won the first two rounds. His response: Lauren. Why? Because she’s prettier.
Honest, one of the most important judging moments of the season, and that’s what he said.
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Scotty will win this season…its not all about the judges,,,it was all about americas votes…
I hope Scotty wins. You’re right – he has been consistant all season. Lauren is not ready.
Let’s get rid of the judges. Period. They’re useless. Let the contestants sing, & let us vote.
News Flash: Lauren will win b/c she’s prettier. Actually, it’s true. She’s going to win. Scotty SHOULD WIN, but he won’t. That’s how this show goes. Believe it or not that last performance by Lauren DID IT. You can steal this competition just like that. Sorry Scotty! Your 2011 American Idol winner is………Lauren Alaina! Thanks Steven Tyler……now go back to Aerosmith.
Just like you she was my first pick. She had the look, and wheather anyone likes it or not……she is a terrific singer. Unfortunately, there are people who become jealous (like Mark Franklin) of a 16 yr. old. What’s wrong w/a nice young lady winning this for a change? It’s a show mainly for kids anyway, and they’re the ones who usually vote. Look, whoever does win will do well. Can’t we all be happy for once? Besides there are other things to worry about in this world. Good luck Scotty & Lauren!
I agree. Judges should not be able to comment in this stage of the competition. Lauren played the audience with her last song. I think Scotty will win regardless of what the judges said.
Everybody knows one fact and I agree on this There is only one
winner and the winner of American idol 2011 goes to Scotty forget Lauren now she will be voted off regardless anyhow so who cares about Lauren Scotty is the real deal here and he is more real than Lauren she is a fake I need everyone to cry for Lauren since she will be going home who else would care she is no longer the real deal anymore even though she tried but Scotty is more of a fan favorite performer. I have a job with the same career you have to have number 1 hit singles and become more popular and the result will be even especially on American idol and Lauren has not met that goal.
Go Scotty I am really happy how far you became in the show and he is America’s choice to be crowned to be the winner. It was a different deal with Carrie Underwood but Lauren does not have any control what the resluts are going to be because Scotty is in it to be the winner. He has tried more harder and very popular at what he does and he will not give up and I know for a fact that Lauren will give up and be unsuccessful Everyone made this fair for scotty because this is his real deal in his life and he will win