Season 10, Season 10 finale, Season 10 Finals

American Idol finals: The song by song grades


Scotty McCreery and Lauren Alaina square off tonight on American Idol. (FOX Photo)

Nod-off time at the Nokia Theatre has almost arrived.

Whoa!  Stop that!

OK, I’ve adjusted my attitude. It’s time to stop sulking over the fact that Haley Reinhart or James Durbin aren’t in the Idol finals tonight and enjoy this teen vs. teen, twang vs. twang showdown between Scotty McCreery, aka Mr. Consistent, and Lauren Alaina, aka “The Girl with the Giggle.”

Besides, there are things to look forward to with tonight’s show.

* We’ll get to hear the first singles from Scotty  (“I Love You This Big”) and Lauren (“Like My Mother Does”) for the first time.

* We’ll get to hear David Cook sing the Idol farewell song, “Don’t You (Forget About Me).” At least, David’s website indicates that’s happening tonight and not tomorrow night.

* If Idol follows protocol from the past two weeks, we’ll get to watch the judges squirm as they have to declare the winner of each of the three rounds. It might be the first time all season any of them have criticized Scotty or Lauren, albeit indirectly.

* We will not be subjected to a judges’ song choice. After making Crystal Bowersox sing “Baby, I’m a man” over and over last season and making Haley sing “You Oughta Know” last week, the judges should be forbidden from ever choosing another song.

Which brings me to an in-blog commercial. Hey, if Idol can fill its results show with in-show commercials, I should be allowed to have at least one, right?

Here it is: Check out Idol Chatter’s series of blogs looking back at Idol Season 10. Others include my picks for the top 10 performances, the top 5 non-performance moments, 7 tips for improving American Idol and a look at how this year’s Idol finale compares to the first nine and, finally, a look at who should win the Idol crown.

Read the latter and you’ll see that I think Scotty should be the overwhelming favorite to win the Season 10 Idol crown.

That said, I think Lauren could outperform him on any given night. And if the votes Haley got last week are going anywhere, they might go to Lauren, not Scotty.


Lauren Alaina performing last week on American Idol. (FOX Photo)TMZ is reporting that Lauren is sick, that she has lost her voice and that Haley is rehearsing on the off chance that she has to take Lauren’s place.

What drama!

So our options, apparently, is that Lauren performs at far less than 100 percent. Or that Haley take her place when many of her fans might not even be tuning in.

Well, we start off with old footage of Carrie Underwood and David Cook.

And now we’re seeing old footage of Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery.

It will be Scotty vs. Lauren. A doc says Lauren blew out her vocal chord during rehearsals. Lauren says it’s nothing to worry about.

And we’re starting …

Contestant’s Choice:

Scotty McCreery: The 17-year-old from Garner, N.C., kicks things off with “Gone.” Wise choice. It was my favoirte of all Scotty’s performances this season and starts the show off with a high-energy number. And Scotty shows absolutely no signs of being affected by the pressure of the occasion. Another solid vocal from Scotty, Mr. Consistent on Idol. Grade: B+

We didn’t even get to hear from the judges after that performance. Anyone out there miss their input?

I mean, I think we can all guess what they’d say.

Lauren Alaina: She’s going to sing Carrie Underwood’s “Flat On the Floor.” It’s a tough number to sing if her voice isn’t at full strength. And I think it’s apparent that she’s having a little trouble belting out that tune at full strength. But she, too, seemed confident and at ease on stage. Note that she isn’t talking at all once she finishes singing. But vocal chord problems or not, I wasn’t anymore impressed with that rendition that her version earlier this year. Grade: C+

 And nothing from the judges yet. Maybe they all lost their voices, too.

Song Choices from their Idols

Scotty McCreery is congratulated by Ryan Seacrest after a performance last week on American Idol. (FOX Photo) Scotty McCreery: He’ll sing George Strait’s “Check Yes or No.” Scotty picks up the guitar for round two. George Strait selected this song, which fits well within Scotty’s comfort zone. Like I said he’s Mr. Consistent. Nothing overly flashy about that performance, and the vocal was just a little pitchy in spots. But, overall, just fine. Grade: B.

Lauren Alaina: Carrie Underwood selected “Maybe It Was Memphis” for Lauren Alaina. You can tell she’s trying to kick up the energy level in her voice, but parts of that came off as shouting as much as singing. Honestly, the vocal was a little shaky. Grade: C.

The judges input:

Randy gives round one to Scotty and round two to Lauren.

Jennifer gives round one to Scotty and round two to Lauren.

Steven gives both rounds to Lauren because she’s prettier.

And Randy has to spit out an “In It to Win It.”

Why did they have to start talking?

In show-commercial break

Now, we get the weekly in-show commercial break. Taio Cruz singing a new Coke song, “Positive.”

Is this why we’ve been rushing along at such a breakneck speed? To hear this crap?

The best part was when the mic cut out.

Their first singles

Scotty McCreery: His first single, should he win, will be “Love You This Big.” Nigel has all the fans waving their arms in time to the music. The song starts with Scotty singing about being young. Honestly, the highlights in the backgroup and the swaying arms are distracting. Sounds like a safe song for Scotty. He sounded fine on it. But I’m afraid this final is going to be void of Idol moments. The judges get to talk now — all three praise Scotty. Grade: B.

Lauren Alaina: Her first single, should she win, will be “Like My Mother Does.” The song is perfect for Lauren, Jimmy says. Moms, after all, are the bedrock of our society and moms all over will go crazy over the song. Or so he says. I do think Lauren got the better song. And now she’s being escorted off the stage to hug her mother mid-song. Sorry, but that was another strained vocal from Lauren. Lauren ends the song in tears. Randy proclaims that Lauren Alaina has arrived and gives her a standing ovation. Jennifer says Lauren might have won with that song. Steven echoes Jennifer. Grade: B+

And the show will close with by far the best vocal of the night, because David Cook just took the stage.


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  1. Vin May 25, 2011 at 3:11 am -  Reply

    Your last sentence said it all. The show was clever to put him on last Might have turned the channel had he gone on sooner. He was worth the wait. Wish we could have gotten the entire song

  2. Jessica May 25, 2011 at 7:59 am -  Reply

    It doesn’t quite matter who wins, because they started the practice a couple seasons back where the same recording label always gives contracts to both the winner and the runner-up. The only one who I’ve ever heard about falling through is Katherine McPhee’s contract. On a personal note, neither of them blew me away, but Lauren Alaina tends to have a more flexible voice and tone. Scotty is a one-trick pony, which is fine for his music genre, I’m just looking for something vocally that isn’t so common. He sounds identical to 20 male country singers I listen to today, and I can’t ever keep them straight half the time because they all sound the same, including Scotty. Lauren at least surprises me with something different week to week. Scotty is reliable and predictable, and he lost his wow with me several weeks back for that very reason. Give me a singer who’s daring, who lets his or her notes crack, who puts emotion into their songs, who takes risks with confidence. I’m voting for Lauren.

    • Brian Baker May 25, 2011 at 9:36 pm -  Reply

      Lauren is in it to loose it all somebody make her get voted off she is a garbage can

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