Season 12

American Idol still searching for singers for Season 12


I’m not sure what this says about the quality of singers American Idol has rounded up for Season 12, but the show is still inviting auditions.

And the folks at Idol are making it pretty easy. No sitting and waiting with thousands of other hopefuls in some stadium in the middle of summer.

All that’s required in this case is submission of an online video.

The singer can perform any song he or she wants — a cappella — but they can only submit one video.

Of course, auditioners still need to fall in the Idol age range of 15 to 28 (as of June 5, 2012). And there’s a deadline of Nov. 4.

For more info, head here.

This just might be perfect for many of the talented teens who made teams on The Voice in Season 3.

Because given the experienced singers they’re going to be going up against, I fear most won’t survive to see the live shows.

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