Season 10, Season 10 Finals

American Idol Top 4 Results Show: Who goes home?


Haley Reinhart performs on American Idol Wednesday night. (FOX Photo)Wow, we’re in for an action-packed night on Idol.

Lady Gaga will perform. Which is always at least interesting.

Jordin Sparks returns. And, judging from the cover of her new single, she’s determined to act more grown up with her “I am Woman” dance anthem.

Steven Tyler’s new video will be featured. The song’s a piece of crap, but what would an Idol episode be without an in-show commercial for something these do-nothing judges are up to.

And it will all lead up to the most anxiously-anticipated Idol elimination of the season.

Hey, Scotty McCreery fans, I don’t think you have to worry. Your favorite is going nowhere but back to Garner, N.C., for a homecoming celebration this weekend.

Fans of everyone else? You might want to worry a little.

Of course, the most interesting plot line is whether Haley Reinhart can survive that first-round drubbing she took at the hands of Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson. Will fans rally to her defense? Or will they be turned off by the way she responded to the judges’ criticism?

Twitter certainly lit up with Haley defenders after the show. Many are convinced Jennifer and Randy want to see Haley ousted. At lot of the criticism was aimed at Dizzyfeet, aka Nigel Lythgoe. His response: “Thanks for all the personal abuse from the usual morons out there.”

To which a fan responded:  “Only 2 morons I see r Randy and Jlo abusing of Haley, dude.”

Look, Haley fans, “The Earth Song” was not a shrewd song choice. Not the way this show works. On this show, you sing well-known hit songs, preferably one that’s been performed on the show time and again.

Of course, whether you get criticized for straying from that strategy depends on who you are. Seems to me Casey Abrams make a couple of rather obscure song choices, and was praised for it.

And I have absolutely no idea how the judges could come down on Haley, then praise Scotty’s selection of “Young Blood.”

Randy, Jennifer, we’re down to the final four. And you prefer silliness over heartfelt passion? Really?

Anyway, I’ve prepared myself for what could be a very disappointing night. My friends over at Dialidol have Haley fourth in their measure of busy signals. I’m just hoping she somehow survives.

She’s one of the best two singers left.  (Sorry, again, Haley fans, but I have to give the edge to Scotty, who’s been more consistent.) She’s a heck of  a performer.

Plus, she’s an underdog and a spoiler in the plot line Idol laid out for season 10. Which, in my book, makes her just about the perfect Idol contestant to root for.

Lauren Alaina performs on American Idol Wednesday night. (FOX Photo)Wow, for a bonus, we’ll get some duets tonight. First up, James Durbin and Scotty singing … get this, a country song, “Start a Band.” Way to be a good sport, James. I’m pretty sure a country duet wouldn’t have topped the list of what he’d like to sing tonight.

Hey, Pa. Idol fans, Ryan Seacrest just announced an audition in Pittsburgh on July 15.

Now we get a duet from Lauren Alaina and Haley Reinhart, singing Miranda Lambert’s sassy “Gunpowder and Lead.” Nice job, gals. Anyone notice how Lauren seems to do better when she’s singing in a duet or group. It’s as though the pressure of carrying the performance is off, so she’s on.

And Lauren Alaina is safe. Bad, bad news for Haley or James fans.

Now Lady Gaga, playing piano in a bikini, sings “You and I.” Told you it would be interesting. Followed by Enrique Iglesias singing “Dirty Dancer.”

Give Nigel this, Idol has picked up its energy level for tonight’s show.

Jordin Sparks up next with her “I am Woman” dance single. Whoa. Look at Jordin in her little black dress showing moves she’s clearly picked up post-Idol. And looking very post-Disney, huh?

Now, it’s time for our weekly commercial for a judge’s latest venture. Steven Tyler’s new video. Oh, boy.

Finally, results …

And Haley makes the final three!!!!

And James Durbin is eliminated on American Idol. Scotty McCreery advances to the final three.

Idol just lost a heck of a fun, inspirational performer. James said he had a feeling today. And he’s bidding a tearful farewell to Idol.

But he’ll go down rocking. And flinging his vest into the crowd.

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  1. L. Danse May 13, 2011 at 1:41 am -  Reply

    James Durbin was truly cheated out of a spot in the final 3. American Idol should be ashamed of itself for not giving the judges the responsibility of selecting the top 3. The show has truly gone down hill when a talent such as James Durbin is eliminated by a group of people who don’t know true talent when they see it. Haley should have been eliminated, and I’m sure that the majority of those you will hear from will confirm this. Shame on you all.

    • Michelle May 14, 2011 at 3:06 pm -  Reply

      I absolutely agree with you. I am not James fan but I have no doubt that he should be in top 3

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