Adam Lambert, Carrie Underwood, David Archuleta, David Cook, Fantasia, Katherine McPhee, Kelly Clarkson

American Idol’s most memorable moments


American Idol sent more than 300 contestants to Hollywood this year.

And the show asked each and every one to name his or her most memorable Idol moment.

Some skirted the question. Many said getting their own golden ticket.

But many others pinpointed a specific Idol performance from the past.

Having listened to all 300, I’m posting the performances most often mentioned.

I’ll be adding them gradually, as the opening night of this year’s finals approaches.

The last two I’ll post were mentioned most often. The others will appear in no particular order.

7. This one surprised me a little.

But it was mentioned by several contestants.

Katharine McPhee, sitting on the stage and looking lovely during her season five rendition of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.”

6. Carrie Underwood’s sings Heart’s “Alone” during top 11 night in season four.

I think what makes this so special is that Carrie stepped out of her country comfort zone. And still dazzled.

Make sure to watch until Simon Cowell makes his prediction at the end.

5. Adam Lambert tackles Grand Ole Opry Week with “Ring of Fire.”

Personally, I think Adam had better vocal performances. But perhaps none more daring.

Of course, Simon says it’s a performance that would have people throwing their TVs out the window. I think most fans disagreed.

And Randy Travis’ reaction to his meeting with Adam is priceless.

4. David Cook showed a knack for taking theme weeks and twisting them to his advantage.

And he sure did it here, performing the Chris Cornell version of the Michael Jackson hit, “Billie Jean.”

Turns out Randy Jackson got it right during his critique of David, saying he just might win it all.

Go here for a version with judges’ comments.

3. David Archuleta decided to sing John Lennon’s “Imagine” in the Idol semifinals back in season seven.

The vocal that followed immediately established the then-teen as a frontrunner that year and is among the best ever on the show.

I just credit David from not fleeing the stage after hearing the rather bizarre feedback from Paula Abdul.

I guess he took it as the compliment it was meant to be.

2. When I started listening to the videos of Hollywood-bound contestants, there was no doubt in my mind that many would mention this as their all-time favorite Idol performance.

They didn’t disappoint, so here’s Fantasia singing “Summertime” back in season three. And the reason no other contestant — listen up, Naima Adedapo, should tackle the song unless he or she is going to deliver better.

Simon’s critique: “There was something magical about what you just did.”

1. And the Idol moment most often mentioned as the most memorable — hands down, Kelly Clarkson’s winning performance of “A Moment Like This,” with tears streaming from her eyes.

It’s amazing the impact that moment had on today’s Idol contestants, many of whom were still in elementary school when they witnessed the crowning of the original Idol.

Clearly, it helped sparked many a dream, that they’d someday stand in Kelly’s place.

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  1. crm March 9, 2011 at 2:43 am -  Reply

    Loved David Archuleta’s performance of “Imagine” in Season 7. For me it was the best performance ever on AI and it was amazing because David was so young and yet sang with such poise. I have been a fan of his since!

  2. violet4ever March 9, 2011 at 3:01 am -  Reply

    Great choices! Archuleta – that is when I fell in love with his singing and his beautiful soul.

  3. Kathy March 9, 2011 at 3:23 pm -  Reply

    David’s rendition of Imagine was by far the best performance on American Idol. First because of his pitch perfect singing and second because of the emotion and message he gave the audience. One talented young man!

  4. Karen March 9, 2011 at 6:30 pm -  Reply

    Some really good songs there, but none struck me so deeply as David Archuleta’s ‘Imagine’. I’d already become a ‘fan’ of his after ‘Shop Around’ which was a new thing for me.

    After this song, you could stick a fork in me coz I was DONE. I’ve followed his career very closely (and his tour schedule–have seen him a DOZEN times) since then.

    David is an incredible singer with an exquisite, soaring, passionate voice. He’s also a wonderful, gorgeous human being. I’ll be a huge fan of David Archuleta until well past forever. Guaranteed.

  5. Victoria March 9, 2011 at 9:46 pm -  Reply

    Love David A. and Adam!
    😀 Great choices.

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