After The Voice

Chloe Kohanski — now Chloe MK — cracks charts with debut EP


Chloe Kohanski -- now Chloe MK -- released her post-Voice EP Friday

Chloe Kohanski — now Chloe MK — released her post-Voice EP Friday

Chloe MK — Voice fans will remember her as Chloe Kohanski — dropped her post-show debut EP on Friday.

And as of 10 a.m. eastern time, the six-song “Fantasy” from the former Voice champ was sitting at number 45 on the iTunes pop albums chart.

Chloe released the superb anthemic lead single “To Be Young” in late May.

At the time, she promised fans “we’re about to go full on dark and crazy with the EP … it’s like if Stevie Nicks was singing and dancing like a gypsy in the club.”

She delivered Friday, and among the songs you won’t want to miss are “I Can’t Stop” and “Ride.”

As for that EP title — “Fantasy?”

“The songs on my EP are an over exaggeration of my actual life; very hyper real…. a euphoric sensation of sound. a fantasy,” Chloe explained on Twitter.

The EP comes courtesy of Republic Records, but there’s not a mention of the EP on the label’s website. Which is pretty consistent with the level of support over Voice winners have gotten from the label.

But be sure to check it out.

Chloe was 23 when she auditioned for Season 13 of The Voice, became a fan favorite with her version of “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and won up winning under the guidance of coach Blake Shelton.

Meanwhile, here’s “Ride,” one of my favorite new tracks on the EP.

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  1. Anna Carlson January 3, 2020 at 8:30 pm -  Reply

    I am very impressed. I’ve listened to Ride and To Be Young. She has an excellent voice; I’m so proud of her.

  2. Curtis Campbell January 20, 2020 at 11:48 pm -  Reply

    I just received @chloemk fantasy CD and it is an audiophiles must have 6 blistering songs that hit u like a bolt of lightning . She won The Voice tv show in 2017 as Chloe Kohanski her voice is it . She was on Miley Cyrus and Blake Sheltons team . Adam Levine was a no show . ITunes fastest to #1 charts records were shattered by her voice

  3. Curtis Campbell January 21, 2020 at 12:10 am -  Reply

    She has the gift she needs a record label she is the best @chloemk is coming and nobody can stop her !

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