After American Idol

Crystal Bowersox delivers a new song with a special message


Brett Ryan Stewart and Crystal Bowersox, both diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, teamed up for a special song to be released during National Diabetes Awareness Month.

Brett Ryan Stewart and Crystal Bowersox, both diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, teamed up for a special song to be released during National Diabetes Month.

Crystal Bowersox has teamed up with producer Brett Ryan Stewart to release a new song with a special message.

“The Stuff” dropped Friday in conjunction with National Diabetes Month.

And all proceeds from sales of the song will go to Beyond Type 1, an organization assisting individuals with Type 1 diabetes.

Crystal, 33 and runner-up on American Idol Season 9, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was 6.

Brett was diagnosed when he was 9.

“When you have Type 1 diabetes, your mortality is often at the forefront of your mind,” Crystal says in a Facebook message about the song.

“Diabetes has been a great teacher in my life. It has taught me to appreciate all the small things and the little moments and to care less about physical items and material things.

“The real stuff of life is the love we share with friends and family and the relationships we hold dear. That’s what this song is about.”

Here’s “The Stuff.” Crystal wrote the song with Marty Dodson. She and Brett co-produced.

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