David Archuleta

David Archuleta to step away from music for mission work


We won’t be hearing new music from David Archuleta over the next two years.

But it’s for a good reason.

Last night, during a hometown concert in Salt Lake, Utah, on his “My Kind of Christmas” tour, David announced that he’s going on a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

David broke down in tears as fans roared their approval at the news during the next-to-last show on his “My Kind of Christmas Tour.”

When he regained his composure, David explained his decision.

“It’s not because someone told me I’m supposed to do it. It’s not because I no longer want to do music anymore. But it’s because it’s the feeling that (this) is what I need to do next in my life.

“It’s just the same feeling that I’ve always tried to follow in my life. It’s the feeling that’s allowed me to have the opportunities I’ve had, the challenges I’ve had to overcome and the blessings too. And I’ve learned to trust that feeling. And I’ve learned that I need to answer when it calls.”

David was still wiping his tears from his eyes as he launched into a pitch-perfect rendition of “O Holy Night.”

On David’s website, fans are proclaiming their support for the decision and for the music David’s given us since making the finals on Idol back in Season Seven. That includes two solo albums, a Christmas album, plus an guest appearance on CD/DVD with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Writes Jenilee:  “We are so blessed to have someone like you David … INCREDIBLY blessed.”

Video of the announcement and the “O Holy Night” performance appear below.

Wow, after watching, all one can say is:  Best of luck, David.  You’ve been a class act since we met you on Idol.

Now …

The announcement …

O, Holy Night …

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  1. sunny December 20, 2011 at 7:26 pm -  Reply

    David Archuleta is an amazing young man!!

  2. Jess December 20, 2011 at 11:07 pm -  Reply

    He’s a fantastic musician and more than that, he’s a wonderful person. I am a fan for life.

  3. Virtue December 21, 2011 at 3:01 pm -  Reply

    I’m so proud of David for being true to his beliefs. He’s one gutsy guy! He’ll be in my prayers as he serves others and God. He’s been working on some songs and a musical video called “Wait”, so perhaps we’ll still get to hear some new music. I don’t know any other singer that I enjoy as much as David. He’s the real deal.

  4. Amy (in VA) December 22, 2011 at 4:33 am -  Reply

    Thanks for all the support you’ve shown him, Mark. He is the most courageous, faithful and talented person I’ve ever known! I am proud of how strong he is to make this decision and will be the first in line to support him when he’s ready to return to music. Incredible musician. Incredible person.

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