After American Idol

David Archuleta’s ‘Postcards in the Sky’ find their destination in new music video


David Archuleta tourDavid Archuleta kicked off a new tour this week.

And to celebrate, he also released the music video for his excellent song “Postcards in the Sky.”

It’s the title track off the album by the same name, released in October 2017.

David explained the story behind the song — and how it became the album title — in an interview with Idol Chatter.

“’Postcards in the Sky’ was a song that was written as we were talking about hard things that happen,” he said. “One of the writers, Jeff Trott, had a niece who passed away when she was only 9 or 10 years old. At her funeral, in her honor, they released balloons with messages tied to it that were positive.

“I loved that imagery and wondered who those messages would reach. I imagined they could have reached the heavens, or landed by someone who was having a hard day. I wondered what would happen if we let out what was deep inside our hearts more often. Let out what we keep inside whether to God, or to our friends, or to a stranger. How would it change us? Or change them? Thus ‘Postcards in the Sky’ was written.

“I made it the title track because I felt all these songs were my Postcards in the Sky. I hope they reach other people and can impact them to be better. To search within them and connect to what’s deep inside and then share it themselves. I hope they find who they are, find they are connected to something bigger than them and the newfound strength to keep moving forward.”

The video does a wonderful job of conveying the same message as an arguing couple, a mourner and a young man contemplating suicide find anonymous notes that lift their spirits and change their course.

As for the tour, it kicked off Thursday in Scranton, Pa., and will run through late April.

It includes a Wednesday stop at The Birchmere in Alexandria, Va., and Saturday, March 30, show at the Sellersville Theatre in Sellersville, Pa.

Here’s the new music video.

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