American Idol

Fans want American Idol to bring back Ziggy

Ziggy performing All I Want during Hollywood Week on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Ziggy performing All I Want during Hollywood Week on American Idol. (ABC Photo)


Ziggy Krassenberg traveled all the way from the Netherlands to compete on American Idol Season 22.

And he touched more than a few heartstrings, especially with his Hollywood Week performances.

Ziggy wound up being the last person cut in Monday’s episode as American Idol announced its Top 24.

He had delivered an emotional rendition of Kodaline’s “All I Want” on the first day of Hollywood, bringing most of his fellow contestants to their feet in the process.

Katy Perry called it an “awesome” performance that broke down barriers. And Ziggy breezed from the Top 143 to the Top 56.

He delivered another message about his search for acceptance in the Showstopper Round, singing “This is Me” from The Greatest Showman.

But the judges were torn between advancing Ziggy or UK native Mackenzie Sol.

After a sing-off in which each performed a snippet of “Jealous,” they decided to put Mackenzie in the Top 24.

Which meant Ziggy was being eliminated.

Ever since, fans have been taking to social media, asking the show to bring back Ziggy.

A sampling from the Idol Chatter Facebook page:

* Letha Anita Winterod: “They should have put Ziggy through too and make it top 25. Let America vote. He was a bit quirky but lovable at the same time, plus he had a good voice.”

* Connie Bright: “They should bring Ziggy back. He would make a great addition to the show. People would look forward to seeing him just like Adam Lambert.”

* April Joan Dale: “Ziggy is awesome artist and beautiful person. hope they will bring him back. listened to his song candy rush it’s upbeat and makes you want to party dance or rock to it while doing your house chores … wishing him well in his music career.”

Of course, anything can happen, but Idol is unlikely to bring back Ziggy.

Well, perhaps for a performance at the season finale, but probably not for the Top 24.

Those Top 24 performances in Hawaii have already been filmed. ABC has released publicity photos from the rehearsals. Ziggy is no where in sight.

But though he was in tears after being eliminated, Ziggy took to social media with a classy post on Tuesday, thanking American Idol producers, the judges and host Ryan Seacrest for embracing a singer who is considered “too extra” by lots of folks back home.

Oh, he thanked the fans too.

“@americanidol for me was like coming home,” he wrote on Instagram. “I finally found the little kid inside of me who was happy🩵 I met my Idol Family and I got to perform on the biggest stage of America.

“I am so proud of @mackenziesol and he is gonna do Amazing in the TOP 24, I am thankful of becoming 25th on this Season!!! 🤯 Everything happens for a reason and I am Proud of Myself and proud of my Idol family🩷”

More on Ziggy

Ziggy congratulates Mackenzie Sol on getting the final spot in the Top 24 on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Ziggy congratulates Mackenzie Sol on getting the final spot in the Top 24 on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

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  1. Christine wentz April 5, 2024 at 10:37 pm -  Reply

    Ziggy back, great singer

  2. Rick April 6, 2024 at 10:19 am -  Reply

    Ziggy was top-five big big mistake

  3. Mary G. April 6, 2024 at 2:34 pm -  Reply

    You should bring Ziggy back. You’ve done it in the past and had a top 25. Why not now? He has definitely earned it. I think as it was a tie going into the sing off it was equally a tie after the sing off. Bring him back!!!!!!!!

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