Season 11, Season 11 finale

Highlights and lowlights of Idol’s Season 11 finale


My picks for highlights and lowlights of the American Idol finale:

Best duet: Granted, Jennifer Holiday’s facial expressions when she sings makes Phillip Phillip’s look tame. But that was one whale of a duet she pulled off with Jessica Sanchez when they performed “And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going” Wednesday night. Jessica took the stage three times to perform during the season finale, which might not have been wise Idol. She sounded splendid all three times, merely emphasizing the point that the better singer lost. Again.

Best duet runner-up: Skylar Laine and Reba McEntire teamed up for “Turn Up Your Radio,” and Skylar was in full country sass mode, matching Reba note for note. I hope Nashville isn’t too tired of Idol contestants heading their way. Skylar should be welcomed with open arms.

Worst duet: Joshua Ledet got his dream duet with Fantasia. Except it turned into a sort of nightmare. I mean, Fantasia was downright scary. She took “Take Me to Your Pilot” so over the top, it was ridiculous. And by no means in a good way. For someone launching yet another comeback, that was not a good way to remind America of her vocal skills.

Fashion disaster of the night: Ah, yeah, that would be Fantasia too. She’s never been a small gal. What in the world possessed her to don pants with the sides cut out of both legs? Now there’s a gal who needs Tommy Hilfiger, the Idol stylists and all the other help she can possibly get. Because that look sure didn’t work.

Most revealing segment of the night: So, Jimmy Iovine has trouble keeping names right. And needs several takes to nail his critiques. Now we might know why he isn’t delivering those critiques on performance night. Still, considering the alternative, I’d like to see him try.

Most tasteless segment of the night: The visit to Steven Tyler’s love shack, habitated by girls dressed like Playboy bunnies. Let’s see, the segment was complete with expletives and a sign on the door to one room that read “all who enter must surrender the booty.” What were the folks at Idol thinking? Oh, they weren’t. Again.

Surprise of the night: You had to wonder why, of all the former contestants in the audience, Ace Young and Diana DeGarmo were being summoned to the stage by Ryan Seacrest. It all became clear when Ace dropped to one knee and proposed. And Diana accepted. Now that was a first on an American Idol results show.

Best segment of the night: The choir, otherwise known as Idol’s Top 12, had gathered and donned their robes. They opened their phone books, and started singing. Phone numbers and advertisements and everything. All in homage to one of Randy Jackson’s tired and worn lines: “(he, she or they) can sing the phone book.” The only disappointing part of the segment: Ryan advising Randy he’d need to work on new material for Season 12. I was hoping maybe Randy wouldn’t be around for Season 12.

For other season finale coverage, try …

Phillip  wins, then takes us ‘Home’ on Idol

Will a female singer ever again win American Idol

Photo gallery from the finale

Photo gallery of Phillip’s win

And check back later today.  I’ll be posting exit interviews with Phillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez.

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