Season 8, Season 8 finals

Idol finals week 2: The song-by-song grades


Lil Rounds turned in the best performance of the ladies Tuesday nightHere we go, country night on American Idol.

As I said in the rankings I posted Monday, country music will probably be a challenge for some of these singers.

In their interviews with the media after snagging spots in the finals, Adam Lambert and Megan Joy said country is the genre with which they’re least comfortable. I’m figuring you can add Anoop Desai and Allison Iraheta to that group.

On the other hand, I expect Kris Allen and Michael Sarver to get a Grand Ole Opry giddy-up from the genre.

And up first is none other than Michael Sarver, singing “Ain’t Goin Down Til the Sun Comes Up.” Hey, looks like Michael read my advice. Pick a fun song. Reacquaint us with that knockout voice. That was Michael’s best performance since Hollywood Week. Excellent start to the night, even if the judges seemed less than thrilled. Simon gives it a 1.3. My Grade: B.

Allison Iraheta up next, singing “Blame It On Your Heart.” Hey, she had fun. And did better with country music than I thought she would. You have to be impressed with this teen’s stage presence. As Paula said, she added a rock edge to a country song. Randy scored it with one word: Dope. Grade: B-

Kris Allen, without his guitar, which is a bit of a surprise, taking on a Garth Brooks’ tune, “To Make You Feel My Love.” The first ballad of the night. And he’s getting rave reviews from Simon, which is great for Kris, because we all know Simon isn’t a big fan of country music. Maybe it’s because it didn’t sound very country. I wasn’t quite as crazy about it as the judges, because of some pitchy moments and a final note that didn’t quite hit. But these contestants are doing better with country music than they did with Michael Jackson music. Grade: C.

Lil Rounds has decided to do Martina McBride’s “Independence Day.” Lil said she was going to scale back the R&B; she might have scaled it back a little too much on the verses, but here comes that big voice on the chorus. Odd, here’s a singer who says the only country music she has heard was in movies. And country week just reminded us why she has such a remarkable voice. Best vocal of the night. Hey, and good call, Paula. Getting to the chorus quicker would have been a good idea. Grade: B+

Adam Lambert is going to sing “Ring of Fire,” and guest mentor Randy Travis is already predicting he’ll never be a member of the Grand Ole Opry. OK, this is going to be a different version of “Ring of Fire” than we’ve ever heard. Just knew Adam wouldn’t be boring. He decided to deal with country week by not even singing country, just singing a country song. Still no doubting that he has a voice. Hey, Kara, I’m with you. Quite confusing. I’ll split the difference between Simon’s aversion and Randy’s praise. Grade: C.

Scott MacIntyre is going to sing “Wild Angels” by Martina McBride. He’s behind the piano again, and I’m afraid this is going to be another of those performances where we’re reminded that Scott’s one of the weaker singers in this competition. Again, great guy. Just not a great singer. ‘Course, it’s not easy following Adam, even when he’s being bizarre. Grade: C-

Alexis Grace will be the next to sing. As I pointed out Monday, she did a Carrie Underwood song during Hollywood Week, so she’s no stranger to country. Alexis will be singing “Jolene” by Dolly Parton, a song Brooke White did last year, to mixed reviews. I think I liked Brooke’s version better. Sounds like Alexis is oversinging a very simple little song rather than relying on her vocals. Grade: D

Judge favorite Danny Gokey comes next, singing “Jesus Takes the Wheel,” the Carrie Underwood hit. Guess what? He nailed it. I don’t mind the judges praising Danny when he deserves it. And tonight, he deserved it. Grade: A-

Anoop Desai sings “You’re Always On My Mind.” Last week, he butchered Michael Jackson. This week, he tries Willie Nelson … and, wow, Anoop, that was so, so much better. Clearly one of the better vocals of the night. The first time we’ve really gotten to hear Anoop’s strong vocals. Grade: A.

Matt Giraud bounced back strong Tuesday nightMegan Joy gets to close the night for the gals. Interesting choice for a near-the-end-of-show performer, since the judges said she was shaky last week and since she’s the Vote for the Worst contestant. She’ll be singing, “I Go Walking After Midnight.” Randy Travis talked about the unique spin she was going to put on the song. That brand of unique didn’t work very well for me. But she’s getting high marks from the judges, partly because she performed despite a bad case of the flu. Grade: C-

Matt Giraud is the final performer. He’s doing Carrie Underwood’s “So Small.” A couple of middle-of-the-pack performers are turning in strong performances tonight. Matt just pulled an Anoop. Very good vocal from a guy who’s clearly used to performing. Grade: B

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