Megan Joy, Season 8, Season 8 finals

Idol finals week 4: Megan Joy’s time is up on American Idol


Lady Gaga in the Poker Face videoI must admit, Idol has certainly spruced up these results shows.

In the past three weeks, we’ve heard from Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Ruben Studdard.

Not to mention Stevie Wonder and Smokey Robinson.

Tonight, we get to hear from Lady Gaga (right), who will be singing the maddeningly catchy “Poker Face.”

And we get to hear from last year’s Idol champ David Cook, who will be singing his new single, “Come Back to Me.”

We’re also supposed to get a glimpse of the video for that song. After the show, you can head here see the full video.

I doubt Idol has to beg anyone to appear on the results show. I mean, this show can do wonders even for established stars.

Take Carrie Underwood. She sings a duet of “I Told You So” with Randy Travis on Idol. Next thing you know, the single has jumped from 57 to number nine on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart — that’s the Hot 100 chart, not the country chart. And her album, “Carnival Ride,” released all of 74 weeks ago, jumps from number 42 to number 15 on Billboard’s Hot 200 albums chart.

The results haven’t started yet, but the Idols have graced us with the group number.

And Simon has proclaimed Matt Giraud, Anoop Desai and Megan Joy as the contestants in trouble this week. Love the way Megan smiled and waved at the camera.

Here we go with results.

Megan Joy after last week's performanceMegan Joy is first to stand up, along with Matt Giraud and Kris Allen.

OK, it’s the old game of dividing the contestants into threes and placing them in different spots on the stage.

We’ve all seen this before.

The next group includes Adam Lambert, Lil Rounds and Allison Iraheta. That group isn’t going anywhere except back to safety.

And the final grouping will include Scott MacIntyre, Danny Gokey and Anoop Desai.

Hmm. As I said, no way group two is going anywhere. Group one seems most likely to be in the bottom three … but Kris? That would be crazy after the performance he turned in Tuesday night. Here’s a hunch, before announcing who’s in the bottom three, Ryan will shuffle a couple of contestants from one group to another.

We’ve seen that trick before, too.

First, David Cook sings “Come Back To Me.” My guess is he has another hit on his hands. Hmm. Is this being performed live tonight? I interviewed David two Fridays ago, and he said he’d just shot a segment that would air tonight. Could this be it?

Ryan is getting to the results, and he’ll start with Kris. He is safe. Makes sense.

Matt is next. He somehow avoided the bottom three this week.

Anoop Desai awaits last week's resultsMegan’s turn. She is in the bottom three, and she’s making crow noises as she heads to her seat.

Lil Rounds is also safe.

Allison Iraheta, unfortunately, is in the bottom three. She does not deserve to be there.

Adam Lambert is safe. Shock of shocks.

Danny Gokey is safe as well. Another easy pick.

That leaves the final spot in the bottom three for Anoop or Scott.

The final stool in the bottom three belongs to Anoop.

Now, it’s time for some “Poker Face.”

OK, that was one of the more unusual performances we’ve seen on Idol. But unusual in a good way, right? Sorta reminded me of Adam at his best. Would have loved to have heard Simon’s critique of the outfit Lady Gaga was wearing while she played piano.

Back to the business at hand. No way, absolutely no way Allison Iraheta can be heading home. If she’s the low vote-getter, judges, it’s time to cash in that precious save.

Somebody is heading back to safety … Allison. Well, she should not have been in the final three to start with.

And the performer who is the lowest vote-getter is Megan Joy. And the judges won’t consider a save.

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