Matt Giraud, Season 8, Season 8 finals

Idol finals week 6: The judges save Matt Giraud


Lil Rounds might need some comforting words from Ryan tonightOK, so we started tonight with one of Idol’s all-time hokiest openings.

And at some point tonight, we get to hear Miley Cyrus sing.

Gee, can’t wait.

But, hey, Jennifer Hudson will be singing as well.

And we’re getting down to the point in the season where the judges have to use, or lose, their judges’ save.

My hunch is that they won’t need that save tonight. Based on last night’s performances, the bottom two should be Matt Giraud and Lil Rounds.

And neither has performed well enough this season to merit consideration for a save. After last night’s show-ending debate, I can pretty much guarantee Simon wouldn’t support a save for Lil. After last night’s brutal performance, none of the judges should support a save for Matt.

He’s my pick to go home tonight. But, remember, last night each performer received reviews from just two of the judges. I’m still ticked about that, because it hardly seemed fair.

So while Lil got to hear an earful from Simon, Matt escaped the wrath of Idol’s crankiest judge.

Here we go with the results.

Allison Iraheta up first. She’s safe. Fantastic. I really feared she might pay the price for performing first last night.

Adam Lambert up next. No surprise. He’s safe, too.

Anoop Desai follows Adam. He turned in the second best performance last night. But he’s headed to the bottom three for the third straight week. It’s an undeserved spot.

Jennifer Hudson receives her Grammy awardResults interrupted.

Time to hear from Jennifer Hudson, who returns to the Idol stage as a Grammy and Oscar winner. Not a bad way to return, huh? Hey, and she performed back in season three, when Quentin Tarantino served as a judge on a night when the contestants sang songs from the movies. Here’s a photo of Jennifer from earlier this year when she won her Grammy for Best R&B album.

Jennifer Hudson and David Otunga

And, since Ryan had to bring up her engagement, here she is at the Grammys with David Otunga.

Time for more results …

Kris Allen next to hear his fate.

Followed by Lil Rounds.

Kris is safe; Lil is in the bottom three. No surprise there. It’s her second trip to the stools. And Lil, who once looked like a favorite in this competition, suddenly looks like she won’t be around for long.

Matt Giraud and Danny Gokey learn their fate. And it’s Matt who’s in the bottom three.

And now Ryan sends one contestant to safey — Anoop Desai. Excellent job voters. No way Anoop deserved to go home after last night’s effort.

That leaves, predictably, Matt and Lil in the bottom two.

And that should take consideration of a judges’ save out of the equation again this week.

Miley Cyrus performs during the ACM awards

Results interrupted again. It’s Miley Cyrus time.

For Miley fans, here’s a photo of her performing at the recent Academy of Country Music Awards, courtesy of The Associated Press.

I’d love, love, love Simon to get a chance to critique her singing.

Here come the final results.

And tonight’s low vote-getter is … Matt Giraud.

Just as it should have been.

Now, please judges, no save!

But you can bet Kara and Paula are being silly and lobbying for Matt to stay. Bottom line: This guy is not going to win the competition, so why waste the save?

And if we needed convincing, he just missed the same notes he stumbled on Tuesday night.

And Idol history was just made.

The judges, stupidly, saved Matt Giraud.

And, next week, it’s Disco Night.

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