Season 10

Idol lowers age limit, a step in the wrong direction


Haeley Vaughn, one of many examples of contestants who would have benefitted from more experience before taking to the Idol stage. (FOX Photo)American Idol just announced its first big change for season 10.

And, in my mind, it’s a big step in the wrong direction.

Come this summer, the age limit to audition for Idol drops from 16 to 15. Idol announced the change this morning.

Please say it ain’t so.

Look, folks, the Idol secret is out. If you’re a legitimate musician struggling for that big break — well, you just might want to audition for American Idol.

You don’t have to look far to find examples. Exhibit A: Lee DeWyze, age 24. Exhibit B: Crystal Bowersox, also 24.

These days on American Idol, novices need not apply. There are plenty of nearly pros awaiting their shot at stardom.

So what does Idol do?

It sets off in search of more novices.


Look, young performers have succeeded on the show in the past. Allison Iraheta (fourth in season eight) and David Archuleta (second in season seven) spring instantly to mind.

But for every brazen-beyond-her-years Allison there are lots of Stevie Wrights, whose nerves spoiled her moment in the spotlight back in the season eight semifinals.

And for every pitch-perfect David Archuleta there are lots of Haeley Vaughns, who looked the part in season nine, but whose voice was so not-ready-for-prime-time performing.

And let’s not forget, Allison and David were not exactly amateurs plucked from the middle of nowhere-ville USA. Both had competed in national talent competitions prior to Idol.

Then, of course, there was Jordin Sparks, Idol’s youngest winner at age 17 back in season six. Like Allison and David, she arrived at auditions with a musical resume most teens are going to have trouble matching.

In fact, I’ve long thought Idol should make a change in the opposite direction, raising the minimum age for competing to 18 to force the very young to arrive at auditions a little more seasoned, a little less likely to squander their chance to make it big because they’re just not ready.

What do you think? Let me know by posting your comments below.

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