2009 semifinals, Alexis Grace, Ann Marie Boskovich, Anoop Desai, Brent Keith, Casey Carlson, Danny Gokey, Jackie Tohn, Michael Sarver, Ricky Braddy, Stephen Fowler, Stevie Wright, Tatiana Del Toro

Idol semis week one: The predictions


At last

The auditions are over. The drama that is Hollywood Week is over.

It’s time to hear these contestants sing songs. Well, at least one minute, 30 seconds worth of a song.

Tuesday night, we’ll be treated to performances by 12 of the final 36 contestants. Then we get to vote. Then we get to help determine who we see in the finals.

So let’s get down to some week one predictions.

Check back Tuesday night for live blogging on the show, technology permitting.

The Guys

Danny Gokey1. Danny Gokey: He’s got all the pre-semifinal exposure working in his favor. He’s got a great back story. And he’s got a voice. Just check out the number of fan pages that have been created on Facebook.

Brent Keith2. Brent Keith: He has the potential to be one of the best male country singers on Idol in the show’s eight seasons. Shame we didn’t see more of him singing during Hollywood Week. Check out the two videos here.

Michael Sarver3. Michael Sarver: Love this guy’s voice. Love his sole reason for competing — to provide a better life for his family. He’s sounded great every time he’s been shown singing.

Anoop Desai4. Anoop Desai: Great voice, honed by singing in an a cappella group at University of North Carolina. We’ll see how he holds his own as a solo performer.

Ricky Braddy5. Ricky Braddy: Have we seen him sing? If so, only briefly. He said in one of his interviews he can make himself sound like an Italian opera singer. He’d better bring a full bag of tricks Tuesday night.

Stephen Fowler6. Stephen Fowler: What’s he doing here? The final Hollywood episode showed him giving up in frustration during his final performance. That he still made it is a clear sign Idol was stretching to stretch the semifinal pool to 36.

The Gals

Ann Marie Boskovich1. Ann Marie Boskovich: Sounded fantastic during her audition, before and after she was told to leave and come back looking more like a star. She also sounds fantastic in the video clips I could find of her singing during her time in Nashville.

Alexis Grace2. Alexis Grace: This mom from Memphis seems so likeable, and she’ll surprise you with her big voice.

Casey Carlson3. Casey Carlson: I know more about her bikini shoot with Campus Girls USA than how she sings. Shame on you, Idol. We’ve barely heard Casey perform, and that’s true of way too many of the female semifinalists.

Stevie Wright4. Stevie Wright: Hey, anyone named after Stevie Nicks had better bring some talent to a singing competition. But, generally speaking, I think the 16-year olds are at a big disadvantage against their more experienced colleagues now that the age range is 16-28.

Jackie Tohn5. Jackie Tohn: Speaking of experience, she’s been around a long time as a singer and actress. She’s too quirky for my taste. And anyone who can fill a page on IMDb smells like a ringer to me.

Tatianna Del Torro6. Tatiana Del Toro: You’re surprised to find her way down here. Heck, the list could include all 18 gals, and she’d still be at the bottom. The sooner she’s gone, the better. But, be forewarned, she’s been adopted by VoteForTheWorst.com. So placing her here might be wishful thinking.

I’ll be rooting for:

Guys: Brent Keith and Michael Sarver. Hey, Danny Gokey might be the greatest guy on earth, but I’m going to have trouble rooting for him this season because it seems like he’s the producers’ hand-picked favorite.

Gals: Ann Marie Boskovich.

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