Carrie Underwood, Chris Sligh, Kelly Clarkson

Idols in the news for Jan. 6, 2012


*** Carrie on children ***

Carrie Underwood says she’s still enjoying being a newlywed and that children “would be a bad idea right now” for she and hockey-playing hubby Mike Fisher.

That’s based on the hectic nature of his schedule and her’s.  Especially since she’s releasing an album sometime this year and planning to tour in support of it during the second half of 2012.

By the way, there’s no release date yet for that album.  Though she You can read The Boot’s story on Carrie’s announcement here and hear the original interview with Kickin’ Country 105 here.

*** James Durbin on Soundcheck ***

Walmart Soundcheck has posted a new session with James Durbin.  Head here and you can listen and watch as James performs “Stand Up,” “Love Me Bad,” “Right Behind You,” “Love in Ruins,” and “Higher Than Heaven.”  There’s also an interview, of course.

Suddenly, this Durbin guy is popping up all over the place, which is great for James, a contestant impossible to root against in Idol Season 10.

He tweeted this morning that he and his band will perform on Conan on Thursday at 11 p.m. on TBS.  And, last night, he was featured on NY Ink.  If you missed that, mjsbigblog has posted a video from the show here.

Chris Sligh recently released a second post-Idol album, The Anatomy of Broken.*** Chris Sligh hits the goal ***

Earlier this week, I blogged about a KickStarter campaign Season 6 Idol contestant Chris Sligh launched to help fund his next two albums.

Chris was aiming to raise $25,000 by today.  The final result: $31,500 from 21o backers.  Chris tweeted the good news this morning.

His plans call for releasing a worship album for free early in the year and a second “artist” album of as many as 25 tracks later in 2012.  He has said that one will sell for $9 (download version) and $15 (physical CD).  Here’s a link to some of his new music.  Congrats, Chris.

*** Kelly Clarkson on The Voice? ***

The Voice will go head-t0-head with American Idol … well, at least sorta this spring.  And The Voice will apparently have the original Idol on its side.

The New York Post is reporting that Kelly Clarkson will help Blake Shelton out with mentoring duties.  In the past, Kelly has said she likes the show because it has mentors instead of judges.

You can head here for the story.  Personally, I prefer judges.  Mostly because I’ve yet to see a mentor criticize on of the contestants they’re mentoring.

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