Season 4, The Voice

Is Danielle Bradbery’s iTunes lead insurmountable?


Danielle Bradbery likely has a pretty big edge in the iTunes voting heading into Monday’s performance finale on The Voice.

But it’s probably not nearly the advantage Cassadee Pope had in Season 3, when her songs were topping the iTunes singles chart on a regular basis.

And it might not be as overwhelming as some would suspect.

Michelle Chamuel reacts to the news that she made the finals on The Voice while Danielle Bradbery applauds the verdict. (NBC Photo)

Michelle Chamuel reacts to the news that she made the finals on The Voice while Danielle Bradbery applauds the verdict. (NBC Photo)

Danielle has landed in the top 10 on iTunes three times since The Voice Season 4 finals began.

The Swon Brothers turned the trick twice; Michelle Chamuel once.

That’s important because landing in the top 10 on iTunes lands an artist 10 votes per download instead of one, and those bonus points carry over to The Voice finale.

But one of Danielle’s top performing songs (“Maybe It Was Memphis” at number 5 on iTunes) won’t count because it came in the live playoffs, not the finals.

And fans of The Swon Brothers and Michelle Chamuel who want to help even up the score can, right now, before voting for the finale begins.

At least they can if I’m reading The Voice voting rules correctly.

Danielle Bradbery is congratulated by Colton Swon on making the finals on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Danielle Bradbery is congratulated by Colton Swon on making the finals on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Here’s what it says: The “Cumulative iTunes Vote Total” means the total number of iTunes purchases of an artist’s Eligible Songs from the live performances that air commencing on May 13, 2013, and continuing through and including the finale, up to a limit of one (1) download per Eligible Song per valid iTunes account, including any iTunes Bonuses (if any) previously earned by the artist.

For the sake of clarity, the Cumulative iTunes Vote Total will include iTunes downloads of Eligible Songs, up to a limit of one (1) download per Eligible Song per valid iTunes account, beginning at the opening of the voting window for the May 13th episode and continuing until the close of the voting window for the finale, and thus will include downloads occurring during and outside the applicable voting windows for the performance episodes airing on May 13th through June 17th.

In other words, if you’re a fan of the Swon Brothers or Michelle Chamuel and haven’t downloaded all the songs they’ve performed since the finals began, you can download them right now, and it will count as a vote.

Of course, that’s just one vote compared to the 30-some you’ll be able to cast by the varying methods after Monday’s finale.

Speaking of which, check back then for song-by-song grades as the top three square off.

In the meantime, let’s check out the iTunes ranking since the finals began.

Top 12 Night

#19: The Swon Brothers, “Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes”
#22: Danielle Bradbery, “Wasted”
#61: Michelle Chamuel, “Call Your Girlfriend.

Top 10 Night

#8: Danielle Bradbery, “Heads Carolina, Tails California”
#15: Michelle Chamuel, “Just Give Me a Reason”
#55: The Swon Brothers, “How Country Feels”

Top 8 Night

#12: Danielle Bradbery: “Grandpa”
#13: Michelle Chamuel: “Grenade”
#34: The Swon Brothers: “Seven Bridges Road”

Top 6 Night

#4: Michelle Chamuel, “I Knew You Were Trouble”
#12: Danielle Bradbery: “A Little Bit Stronger”
#18: Michelle Chamuel: “Somewhere Only We Know”
#20: Danielle Bradbery: “Shake the Sugar Tree”
#28: The Swon Brothers: “Wagon Wheel”
#47: The Swon Brothers: “Okie from Muskogee”

Top 5 Night

#2: The Swon Brothers, “Danny’s Song”
#4: Danielle Bradbery, “Who I Am”
#6: Danielle Bradbery, “Please Remember Me”
#8: The Swon Brothers, “Turn the Page”
#12: Michelle Chamuel, “Time After Time”
#24: Michelle Chamuel, “Clarity”

Zach Swon, Colton Swon, Sasha Allen and Amber Carrington wait to learn their fate last week on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Zach Swon, Colton Swon, Sasha Allen and Amber Carrington wait to learn their fate last week on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

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  1. RBC June 14, 2013 at 8:12 am -  Reply

    One important note that needs to be addressed: Each week, some of a contestants previous performances will break back into the Top 200 on iTunes. Sometimes, they can even crack the Top 100 again. It was interesting to note that although Michelle’s “Somewhere Only We Know” performance bested Danielle’s “Shake the Sugar Tree” on iTunes on the actual voting night, when this last voting period ended, “Shake the Sugar Tree” was ahead of “Somewhere Only We Know.” In other words, it’s reasonable to assume many (if not all) of Danielle’s performances have been selling better overall than Michelle’s, even the ones where Michelle does better on the actual voting night.

    • Bob June 16, 2013 at 5:55 am -  Reply

      True, every time I check Danielle has the most singles charting except the Swons this past week have had one more than Danielle. They have a lot of catching up to do though. Grandpa has not left the top 200 since it’s release!

  2. HX June 16, 2013 at 6:05 pm -  Reply

    Yes, Danielle is ahead on iTunes but don’t forget that iTunes is only half of the complete results. How she places overall will be determined equally by how she does on both iTunes AND among the voters.

    It’s possible Michelle has be doing & will continue to do better among voters than the other two finalists. If that’s the case, she stands a strong chance of winning.

    According to my figures, both Michelle & Danielle have been performing above the average & scoring pretty close to each other on both metrics. Therefore, Danielle’s lead on iTunes is not “insurmountable.”

    Among the remaining three, the stats shows that Danielle & Michelle are fairly close in their iTunes score (about 45% vs. 42% respectively). So it looks as if it’s truly down to who does best overall in both categories on finale night.

    BTW, if YouTube was included in the mix, Michelle would be winning by a mile. She currently holds the lead in total YouTube views for the ENTIRE SEASON among all the other 12 contestants.

    Here is the Season 4 YouTube ranks (based on their weekly video’s performance during the live shows):

    (1) Michelle, (2) Sasha, (3) Danielle, (4) Amber, (5) Sarah, (6) Judith, (7) Swon Brothers, (8) Holly, (9) Josiah, (10) Kris, (11) Garrett, (12) Vedo.

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