Brooke White, New Idol Music

Jack and White: More EPs on the way


You know what’s a whole lot more fun that watching a repeat audition episode of American Idol?

Watching a ustream chat with Jack and White on the evening they released their second EP and watching them perform acoustic versions of four of their songs.

With apologies to the president — Brooke insisted they had no idea there would be a conflict with the State of the Union when the chat was scheduled — the Season 7 Idol contestant and musical partner Jack Matranga spent about 45 minutes Tuesday evening playing songs and discussing their strategy as a duo.

Earlier in the day, they released a four-track EP called “Winter.”  It comes just five months after their first EP, the delightful “Gemini.”

And, apparently, that’s going to be the strategy.

An album?

“A full-length album is a massive undertaking,” Brooke said, “so we figure in the beginning of Jack and White, we’ll release little groups of songs every four to six months. So you don’t forget about us.”

And, yes, Brooke says, they will continue to make music and do shows after her baby is born.  Brooke, 28, and her husband are expecting their first baby — a girl — in late May.

“She’s pretty much a rock and roll baby. She’s already been on the road,” Brooke joked, referring to her recent shows.

Besides, it runs in the family.

“My parents took me to my dad’s band practice the day after I was born,” she said.

What’s different about the second EP?

Jack and Brooke said they pretty much did this one on their own, without the help of an outside producer.

And if you listen to the songs, you’re going to hear Jack singing more than you did on the first one.

What hasn’t changed much?

The sound.  Brooke described one of the songs on the new EP as a “warm blanky.”

Having listened to it twice already, I’d say that’s a fitting description for the entire EP.

Which, by the way, is on sale on iTunes. And, this week only, Brooke says, it’s selling for a bargain price of $2.99, with a bonus track thrown in for good measure.

Ah, isn’t that sweet.  After the chat ended, Jack and White posted a link to the State of the Union address via Twitter.

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