The Voice

Jacob Daniel Murphy talks about his blind audition on The Voice


Jacob Daniel Murphy, 27, of Elk Grove, Calif., performs during his blind audition on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Jacob Daniel Murphy, 27, of Elk Grove, Calif., performs during his blind audition on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Jacob Daniel Murphy admits he was running out of hope about landing a spot on The Voice Season 18.

Then Blake Shelton turned at the very last during his blind audition.

And now the 27-year-old from Elk Grove, Calif., will be one of the singers competing for Team Blake in the battle round that begins airing March 22.

Jacob performed Aretha Franklin’s “Until You Come Back to Me’ for his audition, and Blake seemed shocked that none of his other colleagues turned.

Here’s what Jacob told Voice Views about that experience.

Voice Views: How did you wind up auditioning for The Voice Season 18 and what prompted you to do it? Had you ever tried a singing show like The Voice previously?

Jacob: I was having a vocal coaching session with my incredible vocal coach, Billy Purnell, and he had brought up auditioning for the show. I was hesitant at first because I had auditioned back in 2015 and didn’t make it, but I ended up deciding to audition again and show how far I’ve come since 2015.

Voice Views: Why did you choose “Until You Come Back to Me” for your audition song? What’s your performance history with that song (for instance, is it one you’ve played often)?

Jacob: Aretha Franklin is one of my biggest inspirations and influences, and I grew up listening to her music my whole life. So naturally, I wanted to show people my roots in my vocal style and also pay homage to an icon who basically taught me how to sing. I’ve sang the song a few times while gigging, but I suspect I’ll be performing the song more haha.

Voice Views: Did you have a coaching preference heading into the blind audition? And how did you feel about landing on Team Blake?

Jacob: I went in with a preference for either John or Kelly, but by the time my performance ended, I was just so happy to be on a team. And Blake is not only an incredible artist, but an incredible coach as well, plus his track record of winning on the show is unbeatable. All that to say, I’m so happy thankful to have joined #TEAMBLAKE

Voice Views: What was that blind audition experience like? And were you aware of the coaches, because Blake appeared to turn at the very last second? Were you getting nervous or changing strategy at all as the performance wound down?

Jacob: The blind audition was an incredible, emotional rollercoaster to say the least haha. I definitely didn’t feel nervous, but more so ready. In terms of a “strategy” I definitely arranged the song in a way where I assumed coaches would turn for certain parts, so when no one was turning, I started to worry a little. Near the end of the performance, I remember thinking “Alright, this is it, no one’s turning for you, but that’s totally ok, just finish strong” and I remember closing my eyes on the last note of the song. Next thing I know, I hear an eruption of cheering and when I opened my eyes, I saw Blake smiling and pointing at me with his lane lit up. It was such a relieving and gratifying experience. I was so thankful.

For more on Jacob, his background in music and his social media links, head here.

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