After The Voice

Jeffery Austin puts more pop into his latest song about love lost


Former Voice finalist Jeffery Austin has a new single out.

Former Voice finalist Jeffery Austin has a new single out.

Jeffery Austin has released three singles since his time on The Voice Season 9.

And they’ve all been about love that just isn’t working out.

But the single he released Friday — “Bulletproof” — has the most pep and pop of any so far.

“I could keep releasing ballad after sad ballad, but I think it would put everyone, including myself, to sleep,” Jeffery told, which premiered the song.

“It’s the most ‘pop’ I’ve gone in terms of production and tempo, and way less of a downer. So while it’s still technically a breakup song, it’s less about the breakup and more about what happens after and the healing process we all go through.”

What hasn’t changed is Jeffery’s superb and impassioned vocals, traits that helped him turn a one-chair turn into a fourth-place finish on The Voice.

That was in the fall of 2015, but it would be more than a year until Jeffery put out his first single.

In a summer interview with, Jeffery said his biggest piece of advice for a contestant on The Voice would be this: Be prepared to do well.

Jeffery wasn’t. A public relations employee who hadn’t done a major performance since high school, he came off the show as a 24-year-old finalist with no original music ready to record.

So he’d wind up in meeting surrounded by people telling him what he should be singing and what his music should sound like.

As a result, it wasn’t until he released “Stay the Night” this summer that he said he had a song he felt proud to stand behind.

Jeffery also recently revamped his website.

Here’s the new single.

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