After The Voice

JessLee, Casi Joy, Presley Tennant release music


Recent post-Voice releases include country singles from JessLee and Casi Joy and a country cover from Presley Tennant.

Here’s a bit more about each of those releases. The links take you to the songs on Apple Music.

JessLee from The Voice Season 14

JessLee from The Voice Season 14

JessLee from Season 14 poses a question: “what do you get when you mix a chill Floridian with a hillbilly?” She answers with a fun country tune called “Chillbilly,” featuring Justin Champagne and Ryan Robinette. The song dropped last month, but JessLee just released the music video a couple of days ago. “This has by far been my favorite collaboration! It’s also one of my favorite, feel good songs I’ve ever had the honor of producing, releasing and writing,” she says, applauding co-writers Steve Virginia, Justin Champagne, Alex Pennington Smith, Jason Afable and Samuel Marcellus Cunningham for helping make it possible.


Casi Joy from The Voice Season 12

Casi Joy from The Voice Season 12

Casi Joy from Season 12 has also released the music video to her latest single, “The Business of Breaking Up.” It’s a song she wrote with Justin Klump and Lauryn Tauber “from a very personal experience.” Adds Casi in an interview with Country Now: “It was the first co-write where I shed actual tears, so I clearly knew I needed to write this song. (It’s) about being in a relationship knowing you’re being manipulated, walking on eggshells, and questioning everything you say before they can twist your words. In that scenario, I finally got the courage to get down to business, stand up for myself, and completely end it there. I hope by putting my story out into the world, it will encourage others to do the same.”


Presley Tennant from The Voice Season 16

Presley Tennant from The Voice Season 16

Presley Tennant from Season 16 has released a lovely cover of “Something in Orange” by Zach Bryan. She’s also busy promoting her upcoming single, “Break My Heart,” set for release on Sept. 16. Recently featured in Cowgirl Magazine, Presley released an original called “Gamble on You” earlier this year.

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