American Idol

Julia Gargano talks about her audition on American Idol

Julia Gargano performs during her audition for American Idol Season 18. (ABC Photo)

Julia Gargano performs during her audition for American Idol Season 18. (ABC Photo)


Julia Gargano says she pretty much auditioned for American Idol by accident.

That’s an accident that turned out well.

Katy Perry was so impressed by Julia’s audition round performance of an original called “Growing Pains” that she left her seat to give her a hug.

Then Katy proclaimed the 21-year-old singer-songwriter from Staten Island, N.Y., “top five” material on the show.

We didn’t get to see Julia perform during the duet round that aired Sunday night, but she made it through and will appear on tonight’s solo round episode.

Here’s what Julia told Idol Chatter about her American Idol audition.

Idol Chatter: How did you wind up auditioning for American Idol Season 18 (Season 3 on ABC) and what prompted you to do it this year? Had you ever tried a singing show in the past?

Julia: I wound up auditioning for American Idol by accident, oddly enough! It was also very last minute. I was interning at a studio on Staten Island, ET Studio Productions, and was mostly doing deskwork, answering phone calls, etc. My boss at the time was talking to me about sending some of their artists to an Idol audition, and then she said my name!

I was confused and very hesitant. Didn’t understand why I was one of the artists she signed up for the audition, but DANG I’m glad she did :). I had never thought I would ever audition for a singing show, really because I’m usually a scaredy-cat when it came to those things. This whole experience really taught me to not turn down an opportunity just because fear is in the way.

Idol Chatter: Can you explain your decision to sing an original, “Growing Pains” in the audition round?

Julia: Doing “Growing Pains” seemed to be one of the only options for me to audition with. That original of mine, to me, sums up to me who I am as an artist and writer. I thought it would be the best idea to stick to who I was to hopefully make a good impression while staying true to who I am as an artist.

Idol Chatter: What’s the American Idol experience been like so far? You’ve gotten amazing feedback from the judges, especially after performing your original in the audition round?

Julia: Both excited and nerve racking. This experience has taught me more about myself as an artist than anything else. The biggest take away for me is learning to go with your gut and to not be afraid of failure.

Idol Chatter: Now, you’ve released several singles already, the latest being “Tell Me Why.” Can you tell me about your approach to your original music? And do you have plans to release “Growing Pains” at any point?

Julia: My original music always comes from my heart right into the song. I always try to be the most truthful version of myself especially when writing. It’s actually where it is easiest. “Growing Pains” is definitely the song I’m most excited to put out at the moment, for obvious reasons!

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