After The Voice

Juliet Simms says hello with her own risky business flair


Juliet Simms in her new music video for "Say Hello"

Juliet Simms in her new music video for “Say Hello”

Remember how Tom Cruise cuts loose with the dance moves to “Old Time Rock and Roll” when no one’s watching in “Risky Business?”

Well, Juliet Simms does her own version of “risky business” in the new music video for her song, “Say Hello.”

The video dropped Tuesday and, on Facebook, Juliet thanks Maria Del Bagno “for coming in and trying to teach my uncoordinated butt to dance.”

She and Juliet wound up doing a great job on the fun new video. And make sure to watch until the end for a neat cameo by Juliet’s husband, Andy Biersack.

“I had so much fun shooting something that was completely out of my comfort zone, and something I would only do when I was alone at home with no one watching,” Juliet says on her Facebook page.

“The most important lessons I’ve learned in life so far are to unapologetically be yourself, not to listen to the negative things others may say, to enjoy the freedom of self expression and when the going gets tough — turn up the music and dance around your house like a freak of nature.

“Be proud of being you and don’t be afraid to let others see it.”

The song comes from Juliet’s “From the Grave” EP, released last summer.

Here’s the video.

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