Idol champs, Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson coming to York Fair


Kelly ClarksonGreat news, Idol fans.

The York Fair just announced that Kelly Clarkson is coming.

That’s right, Idol’s first winner will appear on the York Fair Grandstand on Friday, Sept. 11, with an 8 p.m. show time.

Not only will she appear at the fair, she’ll be the grandstand attraction on opening night.

Kelly’s most recent single, “My Life Would Suck Without You,” was number four on Billboard’s top 100 last time I checked.

And her fourth album, “All I Ever Wanted,” is scheduled for a March 10 release.

One of the things I liked about Kelly during Idol’s first season — besides her singing, of course — was her, “Gee, shucks, I’m just a small-town girl attitude.”

She’s apparently retained it, at least to some degree. See the album cover above. Very colorful, Kelly notes, in a recent blog. She jokes about how much air brushing was done on her photo. Something to the effect of, if I recall correctly: I’m not sure who that girl is, but she’s very pretty.

Tickets for Kelly’s show go on sale Saturday at 8 a.m. at the York Fair ticket office. Tickets can also be purchased by phone or online at

Tickets will be $44 for track, plaza and center grandstand seating; $38 for side track, side plaza and side grandstand seating.

Fair spokesman Gene Schenck said Kelly “has been in the mix” as an grandstand act in previous years, but it just never worked out.

Other Idol contestants have played the grandstand, including Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry and Clay Aiken. In 2004, Aiken’s was the fair’s biggest grandstand draw, and Schenck said he heard the York show was one of the most successful on the Idol runnerup’s tour that year.

“We expect the same thing with (Kelly),” he said. “She’s got the same kind of appeal he did. We think she’ll do really well.”

Fair organizers can’t release the names of other entertainers they’re trying to book for the grandstand this year. But asked if other Idols are likely, Schenck’s response was: “Not at this time.”

But, hey, Kelly’s coming.

We can thank the folks at the York Fair for that.

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