After The Voice

Kendra Checketts returns with her ‘Nightmare’


Kendra Checketts has released her first single since appearing on The Voice Season 16

Kendra Checketts has released her first single since appearing on The Voice Season 16

Kendra Checketts certainly wasted no time getting new music in the hands of her new fans.

Less than a month after being eliminated from The Voice, Kendra released a single called “Nightmare.”

It’s the lead track from an upcoming EP and Kendra told Voice Views she made it her first post-show single “because the vibe of the song really shows my genre. I was really excited to be able to show everyone who followed me on the show the kind of music I love to create. This song really embodies that.”

“Nightmare” she explained “is about having a person in your life that is a demon to you, you could say. Someone who you know you shouldn’t be with but they keep pulling you back.

“I put it in more of a realistic sense in the song in some parts talking about how when I open my eyes I see them staring at me. I know that almost everyone has been in their fair share of toxic relationships, and this song is talking about one of mine.”

Kendra said she wrote the song while going through The Voice blind audition process. She credits producers Kye and K10 for helping make her vision for the song come to life.

And, yep, there’s an EP coming from Kendra. But first, she plans to release a full studio version of her Voice blind audition song, Demi Lovato’s “Sober” and another single from that EP.

from the San Diego area, Kendra was 19 when she auditioned for The Voice. She made it all the way to the Top 24 live show before being eliminated.

Here’s a snippet of “Nightmare.” Head to Apple Music or Spotify, and you’ll also find several pre-show singles she released.

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