David Cook, Kellie Pickler

Latest Kellie Pickler, David Cook concert news


kellie-promo-1.jpgBy MARK FRANKLIN

Yes, Miss Pickler is coming to the area.

And if you plan to attend David Cook’s March 24 concert at Penn State York, you’d better get your tickets soon.

First up, Kellie. And this will be great news for country music fans.

She announced this weekend that she’s joining Taylor Swift’s Fearless Tour 2009, which includes 52 shows over the next six months. And the list of concert dates includes a Thursday, June 11, show in Baltimore. Details for that show aren’t available yet, so keep checking back for more info.

Taylor and Kellie are good friends, which explains why two of country’s most popular young singers are touring together. Well, let’s hear what Kellie has to say, since she has such a way with words.

“It’s always fun to be on tour and be with the fans, and to be out with Taylor, who is like a sister to me, is really awesome,” she wrote in her most recent MySpace blog post. “We wrote my current single, ‘Best Days of Your Life’ on tour together last year, and I’m sure we’re going to write on the road together this year, too. So guys: you’ve been warned. Don’t make us mad, because you might just hear about it on the radio!” You can read the entire blog here.

Kellie’s debut album, “Small Town Girl,” was a rousing success. Sales of album number two, simply titled “Kellie Pickler,” have been slower. The very PC first single, “Don’t You Know You’re Beautiful” peaked at number 21 on Billboard’s country singles chart.

The best might be yet to come. She just has to release “Rocks Instead of Rice” as a single. She sings about attending a former boyfriend’s wedding, and the first two lines are classic: “Long white limosine pulls up to the church / A sick part of me wishes it was a hearse.” You can pretty much figure out where the song goes from there. Seems like the perfect match of singer and song.

Taylor’s not an Idol alum, but it’s tough to hold that against her. The two albums released by the 19-year-old phenom are number one and two on Billboard’s most recent country album chart. Heck, they’re number one and number 32 on the Billboard Hot 200.

According to Taylor’s press release announcing the tour, ticket prices will start at $20 plus local fees in most markets. But like I said earlier, there’s no word on ticket prices, when they will go on sale for the Baltimore show or even where the show will be held.

Here’s a link to the complete tour schedule.

Now, about David Cook’s show at Penn State York on March 24. Tickets for his show at the Pullo Performing Arts Center are being snapped up quickly, according to Jill Livengood, marketing manager for the venue.

There are about 1,000 seats at the Pullo Center; about 700 tickets went in the first three hours of sales Saturday, Livengood said. As of late morning Monday, only about 100 to 150 tickets remained.

If you’re feeling lucky and want to avoid the $29.50 cost of a ticket, three radio stations — HOT92, WINK 104 and WARM 103.3 –?either are or will be giving away a limited number, according to Livengood.

Opening for David Cook will be Ryan Star, an Atlantic Records artist whose first?CD under that label will be released later this year.

Tickets can also be obtained by calling 717-505-8900 or by going to the Pullo Center Web site at www.pullocenter.psu.edu.

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