Adam Brock, Season 11

Meet American Idol contestant Adam Brock


On Facebrook, Adam Brock proclaims: “I like to sing stuff that no guys sing anymore.”

Meaning, I suppose, soul, jazz, blues, gospel and funk, which are what he lists as his genres.

In fact, this 27-year-old from the Pittsburgh area has released two jazz albums, “From Me to You” in 2003 and “All Jazzed Up” in 2007.

He’s done his best to hide his pre-Idol music from the world, but if you head here, you can listen to three tracks from the latter album.

And I managed to find one video (below) that hasn’t been changed to a private setting on YouTube.

Given the jazz background, you can probably guess what inspired him to audition in Season 11.

“Casey Abrams opened door to jazz-pop people” Adam says in his golden ticket interview, “so I felt this was the time to step it. My wife encouraged me. She said, ‘It’s only a half hour away; you have to go.”

Adam admits he always liked to be in the spotlight.

“At age 5, I made dad go outside with me while I made my own Richard Simmons video,” he confesses.

As for what sets him apart:  “I am a large black woman trapped in a 27-year-old man’s body,” he tells Idol.  “I have a lot of soul.  I have a lot of fun.  I have a lot of personality.”

Which explains those comments.

Adam also is or was a member of the staff at the Central Assembly of God Church in Washington County, Pa., as creative arts pastor.

In his bio, we find that he owns two cats, appropriately named Gilbert and Sullivan.

Here’s the promised video.

“America the Beautiful”

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