Breanna Steer, Season 12

Meet and hear Breanna Steer of American Idol


We know this about Brianna Steer: She must be a good sport.

Otherwise last Wednesday’s Hollywood Week episode on American Idol would have been chock full of clips of Steer making snide remarks about her offbeat group day mate, Kez Ban.

Breanna Steer is Las Vegas bound on American Idol. (FOX Photo)Yep, Steer was a member of The Misfits, aptly named only because Kez Ban didn’t fit and clearly made it difficult for the quartet to rehearse together.

But they still pulled off what the judges called the best group performance of the day, singing “Knock on Wood.” Now, three Misfits — Steer, Janelle Arthur and Angela Miller — are Vegas bound on Idol.

Steer is 18 and from Laplace, La., near New Orleans.

We also saw just a small snippet of her singing, and getting the judges’ approval, during the Baton Rouge audition episode.

As soon as the episode aired, she gained more followers on social media, Breanna told FOX8 in New Orleans.

“I’m from this little small town. Cameras, action — you’d never think you’d be in that situation. You always dream about it. For it to really happen — grab it.”

So far she has, though she says during her Road to Hollywood video that she nearly gave up singing after the death of an uncle she calls her musical inspiration.

“Every day, after he died, I asked myself, ‘What did he see in me?’ I wanted to know, so bad. I finally realized that I’m going to start singing, because I want to know what he saw in me. Now that things are getting serious (with music), I’m starting to see what he saw.”

Asked what makes her different, she pointed to her “exotic” look, her style and her voice.

“I feel like American Idol is looking for something different,” she said. “Different judges. They need someone different. I think I’m pretty different than most people who come through these walls.”

The only video clip I could find of Breanna singing is that group number in Hollywood. If anyone knows of non-Idol video of Breanna, point the way and I’ll embed it as well.

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  1. deanna c February 23, 2013 at 9:58 pm -  Reply

    The only videos that I know of are the two from idol…the snipit of her audition and the misfits.
    I knew this young woman as a baby… and have known her family for a long time before that… I can say this… She comes from a very close family with strong values. A family I have called my second family for many years.
    One thing for sure… This beautiful young woman has got some pipes… She can sing…and I’m so happy the world gets to hear her…

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