American Idol Season 14

Meet Casey Thrasher of American Idol Season 14


Casey Thrasher is back and ready for another stab at American Idol in Season 14. (FOX Photo)

Casey Thrasher is back and ready for another stab at American Idol in Season 14. (FOX Photo)

Anyone who followed Season 13 of American Idol saw a very familiar face during the Kansas City audition episode.

Casey Thrasher is back for another go at Idol, after enduring one of the cruelest cuts in the show’s history last spring.

I say that because Idol advanced 30 singers to last year’s semifinals, then cut 10 of them without ever giving them a chance to sing.

Casey, who had been featured prominently on the show until that point, was among the 10.

“I was placed on a pedestal, just enough to taste my dream, and then I had to come back home,” Casey told his local FOX station in an interview you can check out here.

He felt defeated, he told the station, but was also determined to try out again.

This time, he auditioned with Chris Young’s “Who I Am With You.” We saw just a snippet of his performance. Unlike last year, when he was a featured auditioner, Casey was part of a three-singer montage.

But he sounded solid and we heard Harry Connick Jr. call him “a very, very good singer.”

Casey told the TV station the judges weren’t inclined to advance him just because he’d been there before.

“The judges were really hard on me,” he said. “They hold you to a higher standard of expectation. If you’re not going to bring it harder than you did before, why bring you back?”

In his featured segment last year, the 23-year-old from Tuscaloosa, Ala., told us he was hoping Idol would lead to a better life for his two young children and said he’d done “every crappy job you could possibly do just to make ends meet.”

He’s also fronted the Casey Thrasher band and described himself as “a guitar player, a bit of a piano player and a country vocalist.”

Here are some Casey links, followed by a sample of his music.

Twitter: @ImCaseyThrasher

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