American Idol

Meet Catie Turner of American Idol Season 16


Catie Turner will be a contestant on the new season of American Idol.

Catie Turner will be a contestant on the new season of American Idol.

Catie Turner is among contestants who have announced on social media that they auditioned for ABC’s new version of American Idol.

Idol premieres March 11 with Katy Perry, Lionel Ritchie and Luke Bryan as the judges who determine which singers make it to Hollywood and which don’t.

Here’s more about Catie Turner.

She hails from Langhorne, Pa. — think the Philly area — where she has attended Neshaminy High School.

Catie has quite a sense of humor. On Twitter, she writes: “I also will try to make you laugh a lot. There’s a low chance it’ll work.”

Check out the captions on her Instagram page and you’ll quickly discover there’s a very good chance she’ll at least make you smile.

On Twitter, she also recently wrote: “I only have one GIF and it’s Travis Scott thrashing a microphone stand while fire burns behind him, and I think that’s a good representation of who I am as an artist.” It’s impossible to tell whether or not she was using that sense of humor when she wrote the tweet.

This apparently isn’t her first attempt at a singing show. Before launching into a mashup of “Baby, One More Time” and “Oops, I Did It Again” on her Facebook page, she refers to herself as “two-time Voice reject Catie Turner.” She’s laughing when she says it.

More seriously, she released an album of six originals called “Teen Angst” in late 2015 that’s very good considering how young she must have been when the songs were written. You can check out some of those songs on Soundcloud. I’ve embedded “I Feel New” below.

Twitter: @hashtagcatie

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  1. MoZ March 2, 2018 at 5:21 pm -  Reply

    From windy, snowy Holland PA… You are an amazing talent Catie… you are headed for the bright lights… grab the brass ring!

  2. cindy March 2, 2018 at 6:59 pm -  Reply

    so proud of you. Love you to the moon and back!!

  3. Lisa Marie Garrison March 3, 2018 at 12:23 am -  Reply

    Catie, your songs on Sound cloud are terrific! What a unique voice you have! Go all the way and be our NEXT American Idol!

  4. maria kanoff March 3, 2018 at 2:19 am -  Reply


  5. Linda March 5, 2018 at 9:44 pm -  Reply

    We all are so excited for you! Go get it!!!

  6. Michelle Rizzo March 9, 2018 at 6:20 pm -  Reply

    You go, Catie! I haven’t watched American Idol since its second season but I will watch this year and will be rooting you on! Your dad delivered my son and your mom delivered my granddaughter!

  7. Sherry Grittner April 9, 2018 at 12:13 am -  Reply

    Pretty girl you have a beautiful voice and a soul like no other… You are a star above the 🌟

  8. Meg April 17, 2018 at 6:09 pm -  Reply

    Catie Turner!!! Love watching you perform, express yourself and embrace life.

  9. Devyn Kellner April 22, 2018 at 9:21 pm -  Reply

    What incredible talent…you give me chills every time! You are most definitely going places, without a doubt!

  10. lynn Feeley April 30, 2018 at 1:06 am -  Reply

    from the instant you walked out on the audition stage i knew you were different, special talented and so very authentic. your cute quirky sweet mannerisms are beautiful. you keep being Catie. that’s what makes you a star !! just adore you so much. your rendition of Havana was amazing, better than the original! i vote for you each week from baltimore Maryland!

    • lynn Feeley April 30, 2018 at 1:08 am -  Reply

      almost forgot – your lovely smile lights up the world !

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