The Voice

Meet Elizabeth Evans from The Voice Season 24


Elizabeth Evans from The Voice Season 24

Elizabeth Evans from The Voice Season 24

Her audition: Elizabeth Evans, 22, Nashville, Tenn., performed “All I Wanted” by Paramore. Elizabeth delivered a beautiful opening and got quick chair turns from John Legend and Reba McEntire as a result. Gwen loved the vocal power Elizabeth displayed. John Legend complimented her on her “cool” tone and said she has everything she needs to be a successful artist. Elizabeth opted to join Team Legend.

Here’s more about Elizabeth.

* Her Spotify bio identifies her as a 21-year-old who moved to Nashville to attend Belmont University’s Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business.

* She writes songs in various genres, that bio indicates. Her own music is alternative pop/rock.

* And, yep, that bio is a sign that Elizabeth has released music of her own — two singles in the past two years.

* Her catchy debut single, “This One’s Gonna Hurt,” dropped in July 2022. Says Elizabeth: “I felt like there were plenty of breakup songs out in the world but not enough songs about the lead up to the breakup. All of the sinking feelings and second guessing and knowing their feelings have changed while yours stayed the same — that kind of ugly, painful stuff that happens before the breakup is what i needed to hear in a song. I hope this song brings some comfort to anyone needing a good ‘scream-in-the-car’ moment. It’s alright to cry to it too if you want. In fact, it’s encouraged.”

* Her second single, “My Skeleton,” came out in May. It’s a song she wrote with producer Gus Ciardiello about falling for someone with secrets. Specifically, judging from her TikTok, about a guy who’s still hung up on his ex and using a new girlfriend to try to forget her.

* In a post featuring that song, she jokingly writes: “My demographics is hot girls who get cheated on. TikTok, please deliver this to them.”

* Speaking of TikTok, Elizabeth’s has nearly 10,000 followers and more than 250,000 likes even before her Voice audition airs.

* And her latest post there references her audition and features a photo of herself as a young girl. “I started feeling anxious about my Voice audition airing. But then I remember how proud this little girl would be of where she is now,” she writes.

Elizabeth on social media:

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