American Idol

Meet Kason Lester of American Idol Season 17


Kason Lester auditioned for Season 17 of American Idol

Kason Lester auditioned for Season 17 of American Idol.

Among the singers we’ll meet tonight on American Idol is a male country artist who’s already release music.

He’s Kason Lester, 28, of Lebanon, Tenn., and based on an exclusive video snippet aired by Billboard Tuesday, he shows up in the audition room with goodie baskets from the farm he and his brother run.

Idol returns tonight for a special two-hour audition episode. The season permiere aired Sunday.

Here’s more about Kason …

* He released a five-song country EP called “Born and Raised” in 2018 and followed it up with a single called “Easy” last March. I’ve embedded “Love You Yet,” the lead single from his EP below.

* Kason studied music business and production at Belmont University in Nashville. He graduated in 2017.

* He co-owns Lester Farms with his brother Mitchel and, according to Idol, estimates that he’s planted 30,000 strawberry plants by hand. That’s, of course, just one of the crops grown on Lester Farms.

* Kason told his hometown newspaper a cousin reached out to him with the news that Idol would be holding auditions in Chattanooga. He and his mom got up at 4 a.m. the next morning and traveled there “on a whim.”

* In 2015, he and his brother Mitch were in the Wilson Living Magazine’s “Bachelors of Wilson” feature. In his interview, Kason said he was looking for an attractive woman who isn’t attached to her cell phone, would love to have lunch with Brett Favre or Kid Rock and would rather be blind than deaf because “a world without music would be pretty tough.”

* He has nearly 22,000 followers on Instagram, hopefully because of his music and not the shirtless photos.

* Kason recently walked away from a crash in which he was struck from behind by a reckless driver and pushed into a concrete wall. His vehicle flipped seven or eight times before coming to a stop, according to his Instagram post.

On social media:
Twitter: @KasonLester

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