The Voice

Meet Molly Stevens of The Voice Season 14


Molly Stevens of The Voice Season 14 . (NBC Photo)

Molly Stevens of The Voice Season 14 . (NBC Photo)

Blind audition: Molly Stevens, 34, of Raleigh, N.C., auditioned with “Heavenly Day” by Patti Griffin. Within a few notes, she had Kelly Clarkson and Blake Shelton facing in her direction.

Her background: Calling herself a fighter, Molly told The Voice she got her start as a country singer but would now classify her music more as Americana. “I think they both share beautiful story-telling,” she said. Her first performance, she added, was probably on a regionally televised Christmas show her grandfather, a Baptist minister, hosted each Christmas. In 2010, she left her native North Carolina and moved to Nashville. She’s been singing and performing ever since and told Carson Daly she’s looking for “her break.”

What the show didn’t show:

* Molly spent about 10 years performing alongside her grandfather, Jimmy Waters, a well-known Baptist preacher, according to her bio on The Voice website.

* “Singing was just always a huge part of my life,” Molly writes on her own website. “I’d get off the school bus and my mom would have a dress waiting for me and before I knew it I was headed off to sing at a revival of some kind. That was my childhood.”

* When she was 10, she shared the stage with Johnny and June Cash, though she says she didn’t appreciate who they were at the time. “But I love saying I ‘opened’ (wink) for them,” she writes on that same website.

* After college, she headed to New York with acting aspirations, but realized music was her true calling and headed to Nashville in 2009.

* It was also after college that Molly came out to her parents as gay. They’ve been accepting of her sexuality and Molly’s fiancee Ashlee attended the blind audition with Molly’s family.

* In Nashville, she’s been part of two duos, both of which have released music. You can check out some impressive music from one of those — Me and Molly — here.

* It’s just in the last year that Molly has embarked on a solo career. “I love it. I wish I’d been doing it a little longer,” she said of being a solo artist. “It’s a lot easier. Every road gets you here.” Because she just recently went solo, she called The Voice experience “very good timing.”

* Last summer, she released a single called “Roots.” Said Molly: “It’s just a country-driven song about me growing up in Macon, Georgia, where my roots are planted.” Check out the music video for the song below. The song features a really great chorus.

On picking Kelly: “I went with Kelly just because of the girl-power connection, I think. She was really familiar with my song and Patti Griffin. They (Kelly or Blake) would have both been great choices, but I ultimately went with Kelly because of the emotional connection.”

On social media:
Twitter: @mollystevens_1

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