Season 11, Season 11 Hollywood Week

Meet the “Make You Believers” (American Idol Group Night)


Editor’s Note: I wish American Idol would give us a scorecard of sorts for Group Night. You know what I mean. A list of the team names and the members of each team. It would make it so much easier to follow along with who survives and who doesn’t. Especially when Idol identifies a couple of members of the team during the telecast and not the rest.

In an effort to make it a little easier for viewers, I’m providing profiles for four of the most visible teams from last Thursday’s episode. If the name of the contestant includes a link, that means I’ve written a separate profile of that singer. You can find all the profiles — more than 90 in all — by going here.

Jacquie Cera and Mathenee Treco were determined to sing “More Than a Feeling” on Idol’s Group Night, but needed at least two more members.

So they recruited teenager Dustin Cundiff and “tent girl” Amy Brumfield.  The one rule, Jacquie told Amy:  “Don’t make me sick.”

Then they embraced, which seemed a little risky for Jacquie since Amy had come down with a bug that was spreading like wildfire among Idol’s contestants in Hollywood.

Meet the members of “Make You Believers” …

Jacquie Cera, 28, Beaver Creek, Oregon (Portland)

Inspired to audition by:  Knowing that she would be a spokesperson and role model.
When was the first time you performed for an audience:  A 3rd-grade solo performed half in Spanish and half in English.
What makes you unique:  Her quirkiness. “I’m kind of argumentative in a way that’s funny.”
Favorite former Idol contestant:   Carrie Underwood. “She’s very classy. Her music is always well produced.”
Favorite Idol moment:  The most recent one was the Hulkamania.
Why are you the next Idol:  “I have personality and drive and a reason.”


 Dustin Cundiff, 18, Hardinsburg, Kentucky (St. Louis)

Inspired to audition by:  His best friend passed away two years ago. “She told me every day, ‘You’ve got to try out or I’m going to beat you up.'”
When was the first time you performed for an audience:  About age 6 at a little kid’s karaoke place
What makes you unique:  Says he’s a good listener and likes to help people out.
Favorite former Idol contestant:  Ruben Studdard, the first winner he can remember.
Favorite Idol moment:  Getting to meet the judges.
Why are you the next Idol:  “I have what it takes. I have varieties of music. If I don’t do good on one show, then I’d work and work and work until I got better.”

On Facebook we learn that he plays guitar and is learning to play piano and is a member of the Breckinridge County High School Class of 2012.

Mathenee Treco, 25, Centennial, Colo. (Aspen)

Inspired to audition by:  A weird stroke of fate. He was in town (the Denver area) to help his sister move and found out auditions were being held there the next week. “I said, ‘It’s a sign from God. I’ve got to go do this.'” It was his 4th time auditioning.
When was the first time you performed for an audience:  In first grade, he played the Big Bad Wolf in a school performance.
What makes you unique:  He says he not only sings, but has a knack for performance.
Favorite former Idol contestant:  Jennifer Hudson, because of the growth she’s shown.
Favorite Idol moment:  Fantasia’s performance of “Summertime”
Why are you the next Idol:  ” The world is ready for someone to win this show and hang with the big boys in the music industry.”


Amy Brumfield, 25, Gatlinburg, Tenn. (Savannah)

Inspired to audition by:  Her children. “My babies are going to be proud.”
When was the first time you performed for an audience:  Age 5.  “It was awesome.”  At a family Christmas get-together.
What makes you unique:  She says she’s more honest than most people.  “Sometimes my honesty gets me in trouble.”
Favorite former Idol contestant:  Carrie Underwood.  She says she’s not a big fan of country music, but Carrie has “an awesome voice.”  Her other favorite: Stefano Langone.
Favorite Idol moment:  Getting the golden ticket.
Why are you the next Idol:  “I don’t know that I am the American Idol. I pray I have it in me. We’ll see.”

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1 Comment

  1. Jacquie August 20, 2012 at 7:05 am -  Reply

    I’m actually 26 😉 haha! Thanks!

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