The Voice

Megan Danielle talks about the knockout round on The Voice

Megan Danielle performs during the knockout round on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Megan Danielle performs during the knockout round on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)


Megan Danielle took the risk of singing a coach’s song during the knockout round on The Voice.

But the song was “Piece by Piece,” one Kelly Clarkson wrote about the absence of her father while she was growing up.

And that’s a story Megan, 17, of Douglasville, Ga., can relate to.

It showed during her performance, one so strong Kelly selected Danielle the winner of the knockout round match in spite of a highly praised performance from CammWess as well.

As it turned out, both singers advanced. John Legend stepped in and save Camm from elimination.

Here’s what Megan told Voice Views about the experience.

Voice Views: Can you elaborate a bit on that knockout round sound choice? Why you decided to go with “Piece by Piece?”

Megan: I decided to go with Piece By Piece because it describes what happened in my past with my parents getting a divorce and then my grandpa stepping up and filling all of the pieces that were left when my dad left.

Voice Views: What’s your performance history with that song? Is it one you’ve performed live often?

Megan: The only time I have ever performed Piece by Piece was on my front porch in front of my grandpa. I’ve never performed the song anywhere except for the knockout round on the voice.

CammWess and Megan Danielle listen to the coaches feedback during the knockout round on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

CammWess and Megan Danielle listen to the coaches feedback during the knockout round on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Voice Views: How did you feel about your chances of advancing once the performances were completed?

Megan: I felt very confident as soon as the performances were complete, but I also felt like it was an even Knockout. CammWess absolutely killed it and I couldn’t be happier for him, his voice is so special.

Voice Views: Anything else you’d like to add about the knockout round experience?

Megan: Overall, the knockout round was a bundle of emotions, and I was so happy to get to share part of my story with the world. It felt great to be up on the stage, also feeling super confident and relaxed. I knew I was singing from my heart, so I didn’t let my nerves get to me. Also, my goal was to connect with Kelly and also anyone else in this world who can relate to my story, so I am so glad I could do that!

Voice Views: Singers are now through three rounds of the show. Can you pinpoint / explain the biggest improvement you think you’ve made to this point as a result of the show?

Megan: I feel like the biggest improvement I’ve made on this show is feeling more confident and letting my voice explain all of my hurt. I feel like that can’t be taught and to know how much I touch people makes me happy!

Voice Views: And, finally, during this lockdown period, what have you been doing to stay musically sharp and make sure you’re ready when competition resumes?

Megan: During the lockdown period, I’ve been singing and covering almost every song that pops up on YouTube haha, while also thinking of new music to cover in the live playoffs. 🙂

See also …
Meet Megan Danielle
Megan talks about her blind audition
Megan talks about her battle round match

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