Anoop Desai, New Idol Music

New music from Anoop Desai coming Tuesday


Anoop Desai, who finished sixth on season eight of American Idol, is about to release his first album. We’re about to be treated to more new music from American Idol’s season eight alumni.

Come Tuesday, Anoop Desai will release “All Is Fair.”

With eight tracks, it’s too long to be labeled an EP and barely long enough to be called an album.

Whatever you want to label it, “All Is Fair” will be available from iTunes, as well as from Anoop’s Web site. Matter of fact, there will be a release party in Chapel Hill, with a live feed from that site, according to a tweet Anoop sent out a couple of hours ago.

And, if you want a sneak listen, you can download a pre-release sampler here.

Anoop introduces each of the eight The back jacket of Anoop Desai's new album, 'All Is Fair,' which is due out Tuesday. songs in that sampler, and you’ll soon learn that he’s not the only former Idol who had a hand in making “All Is Fair.”

Remember Brandon Rogers from season six. He helped co-write at least three songs — the lead single “My Name,” “Senses” and “Not Like This.”

Co-writing credits on two songs — “Senses” and “Lost and Found” — go to another season six finalist, Chris Richardson, who finished fifth that year.

In the sampler, Anoop doesn’t reveal writing credits for two of the eight songs — “Goodbye” and “Everyday.”

So if any members of Anoop’s Street Team (Web site here) know whether Chris or Brandon helped out with those tunes, feel free to comment below.

Anoop also recently talked about the album in an interview with FOX Channel 5 in Atlanta, explaining the title and the connection between the songs on it. Here’s the link.

The single “My Name” has a Bollywood sound, Anoop notes. He also calls it “the most clubby track” on “All Is Fair.”

“We wrote the song just as a song and added those influences in there,” says in the interview. “That’s what, to me, really made it pop.”

Head to the interview, and you can also watch Anoop perform an acoustic version of that song.

The best news of all for Anoop fans. In another recent interview, last year’s sixth-place finisher said he’s already started writing music for the next album. Target release date: Sometime this fall.

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