After The Voice

New music from Jordan Rager, Barrett Baber, Wilkes and more


Jordan Rager has released his first single under his new record label.

Jordan Rager has released his first single under his new record label.

Jordan Rager has released a new country single called “Colorblind” that he calls “genuinely one of my favorites.”

It’s the second single Jordan has released under his new label, Riser House Entertainment and his first in more than a year.

“This is the first step in the new chapter of where my music is going. This is the start of the music I’ve always wanted to put out,” Jordan says in a Facebook chat with fans while side-stepping the question of whether an album will follow.

The 25-year-old was a contestant for Team Blake Shelton on Season 2 of The Voice in the spring of 2012.

He went on to sign with Broken Bow Records and released a single and EP called “Southern Boy” in 2016. The single featured an assist from Jason Aldean and hit the Top 40 on Billboard’s country airplay chart.

Jordan wrote “Colorblind” with Michael Whitworth and producer Chris Stevens. “I knew we had something special that day in the writers’ room,” he says on Instagram.

You can check out the song below along with several other recent country releases, including …

* Barrett Baber has a great new country ballad out called “Wrecking This Train.” And, if you missed it, Barrett released a 15-song live album, “One Night in Woodstock,” earlier this year. Barrett finished third on Season 9 of The Voice.

* Patrick Thomas pulls something of a title fake-out with his new song “Drink Alone,” about buddies that help one another through the toughest of times. Patrick competed on Season 1 of The Voice, but didn’t release his first country EP until late 2017.

* Wilkes does sort of the same when it comes to the title of his new single “I Wanna Leave You,” because it’s written about a woman he has absolutely no intention of leaving. Wilkes wrote the song with Josiah Prince and Mark Narmore. Wilkes also has been busy since Season 14 of The Voice, also releasing an EP (“Southern Comfortable”) and another single (“Not Like That”) in the last six months.

* Angie Keilhauer of The Voice Season 10 has released a country single called “Leave California” as simply Angie K. Writes Angie on Instagram: “I’ve never written and re-written, recorded and re-recorded a song as much as I have this one … From San Diego to Nashville, I wrote these words in some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been and I’ve become obsessed with the idea of showing you guys where I was, what I was doing, what I was feeling when I found these words!”

* Cherie Oakley from Season 1 of The Voice is featured vocalist on a single called “Little Girl.” Cherie calls it a “beautiful song” written by good friends (Jeremy Mayfield, Annaclaire Tadlock and Christopher S. Lockwood) that she was asked to sing in honor of Mother’s Day. Earlier this year, Cherie released the addictive “Work It,” billed as the first single from an upcoming EP.

See also …
2019 albums, EPs, singles from former Voice contestants

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