Season 5, The Voice

Night 5 of the blind auditions on The Voice


Tonight, we meet the final eight contestants on Season 5 of The Voice.

Most of the teams are nearly full, and I’ve posted profiles of all the contestants we’ve met so far.

Those include a look at music the contestants have already released — music you can listen to and download right now.

For all of those, head here.

Now, those final eight singers …

Matt Cermanski turned three chairs and chose Team Adam Levine on The Voice.

Matt Cermanski turned three chairs and chose Team Adam Levine on The Voice.

Matt Cermanski, 20, Pheonixville, Pa.

Background: This is Matt’s second time auditioning. Last time, he performed Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream,” but said he didn’t do a good job of controlling his nerves. He says he’s been gigging three or four times per week and taking vocal lessons to improve. He says he sees himself as a singer-songwriter rock artist.

Song: “Have a Little Faith in Me”

The chairs: Within the first few notes of the song, Adam Levine spins his chair. Before Matt hits the midway point, he’s joined by Blake.
Before the song ends, they’re joined by Cee Lo, giving Matt a three-chair turn.

Judges’ reaction: Cee Lo says he sounded great. Blake compliments his falsetto and the versatility he showed over the course of a 90-second performance. Adam said he appreciates Matt’s resilience.

Performance: Hard to imagine Matt didn’t make it the first time around. I don’t remember his performance of “Teenage Dream,” but it must not have been nearly that good. Most impressive — the range Matt showed on that song. Grade: B

Matt’s pick: He decides to join Team Adam.

Diego Roman Navaira, 22, San Antonio

Background: Diego says his voice is “raw rock punk, super energetic.” He comes from a family of singers. His father has won two Grammys as a singer of Tejano music. But Diego says he’s his own man and has a rock band called Ready Revolution. They’ve gone on two self-funded tours, he tells The Voice.

Song: “Rebel Yell”

Chairs: No one turned for Diego

Judges’ reaction: The judges say they’re being super picky with just a couple of slots left. They compliment Diego on his voice. “I don’t know what the hell I’d do with you,” Blake says.

Performance: Diego let out a couple of massive shrieks, but his voice was gobbled up by the music in spots. Grade: C

Tamara Chauniece opted to join Team Cee Lo on The Voice.

Tamara Chauniece opted to join Team Cee Lo on The Voice.

Tamara Chauniece, 23, Wharton, Texas

Background: Tamara says she grew up around music in church; her mom is a pastor. She gave her first public performance at 7, and her mom had her record an album at age 11. When her big break hadn’t come by age 18, Tamara took a job as a leasing agent. But she always knew she’s like to do music. While gospel music is her roots, Tamara says she wants a coach to help her gain a broader audience.

Song: “1 + 1”

Chairs: Christina spins around in a heartbeat, joined mid-song by Cee Lo.

Judges’ reaction: Cee Lo calls the song gorgeous and adds “so are you.” He seems quite taken with this contestant. Christina says “you touched my heart.”

Performance: Tamara delivers a spot-on performance from beginning to end. Nice tone, nice range. Perhaps not as unique or flashy as some we’ve met, but darn impressive nonetheless. Grade: B

Her pick: Tamara decides to compete on Team Cee Lo.

Brandon Chase got the coach he wanted on The Voice -- Blake Shelton

Brandon Chase got the coach he wanted on The Voice — Blake Shelton

Brandon Chase, 20, Arlington, Texas

Backgound: Brandon calls himself a “very driven person.” He graduated from college at age 17, then packed his bag and headed to Nashville where he plays as many venues as he can. Turns out Brandon nearly died as an infant. As a result, Brandon says he wants to make his parents proud “in every way.”

Song: “Wanted”

Chairs: Blake Shelton turns his chair early in the performance, then Cee Lo turns his chair.

Judges reaction: Cee Lo says he could offer Brandon “flair and fabulosity.” Blake said Brandon sounds like “the real deal.”

Performance: Solid performance, but the highlight came with Brandon went a cappella midway through the song and delivered a couple of magnificent notes. Grade: B-

His choice: Not surprisingly, Brandon joins Team Blake.

Lupe Carroll earned a spot on Team Cee Lo on The Voice.

Lupe Carroll earned a spot on Team Cee Lo on The Voice.

Lupe Carroll, 26, Bourbonnais, Ill.

Background: Lupe says he’s worked delivered flowers for three years now. “It’s almost like the ice cream man coming down the street,” he says, because people get happy when they see flowers. One of two nights a week, he performs at a restaurant back home. On weekends, he performs at a farmer’s market.

Song: “If I Were a Carpenter”

Chairs: Cee Lo turned his chair midway through the song.

Judges’ reaction: Cee Lo tells Lupe he’s “damned good.” Adam compliments him on a compelling voice.

Performance: Hey, I really like the tone of Lupe’s voice. Perhaps the most unique we’ve heard so far tonight. Very nice, and showing off nice range and power, too. Don’t understand the one-chair turn. I liked that performance the best so far tonight. Grade: B+

Grey, 25, Jacksonville, Fla.

Background: Grey says she’s been singing since she could talk. She started off singing country, then attended Berklee College of Music. She now sings with a wedding band. “You do the same thing over and over, and that dream seems farther away,” she says. She also has a job in retail.

Song: “Catch My Breath”

Chairs: Adam turns around early in the performance. When Grey hits the chorus, Blake joins him. Cee Lo turns around as well late in the performance.

Judges reaction: Blake says she has the voice to win the show. Cee Lo calls her voice “warm and friendly.”

Performance: Grey displays a solid pop voice. Not quite as distinctive as Kelly Clarkson’s version, but worthy of a spot on the show. Grade: B-

Her choice: Grey joins Team Adam.

Dominic Scott Key,r 17, Malibu, Calif.

Background: Dominic says he decided he wanted to do music around age 8. He’s been an actor. His dad is the drummer for the Commodores. Dominic says he went to his first concert at 12 days old. And he’s decided to sing a Commodores song for his blind audition.

Song: “Easy”

Chairs: No one turns.

Judges’ reaction: Adam compliments him for “having something cool.”

Performance: Dominic added a couple nice wrinkles to the song to try to make it his own, but his nerves showed, especially early in the performance. As for the rest of the performance, the song goes down easy, offering few moments.

Michael Lynch turned three chairs and joined Team Christina on The Voice.

Michael Lynch turned three chairs and joined Team Christina on The Voice.

Michael Lynch, 27, Chicago, Ill.

Background: Michael says his style of music is pop with a little bit of Latin infusion. He said he started studying Spanish as a freshman in high school and used music as a way to learn the language. After graduating from college, he moved to Mexico to study music. Now he’s back home, landscaping for a living and singing in his spare time.

Song: “Bailamos”

Chairs: Christina turns around just a few seconds in the song. Blake and Cee Lo join her shortly thereafter. And a three-chair turn is the most Michael can earn since Adam’s team is full.

Judges’ reaction: Blake compliments Michael on his perfect pitch. Cee Lo and Christina do some hard lobbying for Michael, too.

Performance: He’s American but the Latin performance was lively and convincing. One of the most fun performances of the night. Grade: B

His choice: Michael decides to join Team Christina

Deanna Johnson, 17, Hazlehurst, Ga.

Background: Wow, this southern gal says she prefers pop and R&B music, but there aren’t many places to sing around her hometown — only church and the rodeo. With her southern accent, she thinks people will be surprised by her choice of music. Deanna says she’s only been singing seriously for about two years.

Song: “Stars”

Chairs: No chairs turn.

Judges reaction: Christina compliments the gentleness and unique tone to her voice.

Performance: Deanna showed lots of potential, but the vocals sounded a little muddled at the beginning. Grade: C

Brian Pounds decided to join Team Blake on The Voice.

Brian Pounds decided to join Team Blake on The Voice.

Brian Pounds, 24, Austin, Texas

Background: He describes himself as a soul singer-songwriter who makes his living playing music. His family was very much into sports, and he wanted to play baseball for a while. Before his senior year in high school, he announced that he wanted to perform music. It sounds like he’s been a struggling singer-songwriter ever since.

Song: “Wagon Wheel”

Chairs: Blake and Cee Lo both turned around for his performance.

Judges’ reaction: Blake says he has “a great freakin’ sound” and complimented his clear vocals.

Performance: For a soul singer, he sure picked a country song. Brian sounds solid, and I really liked the a cappella bit near the end of the song. Grade: B

His choice: Brian joins Team Blake.

Shawn Smith, 32, Utica, N.Y.

Background: He’s a singing bartender and people apparently call him “big sexy.” He’s a former veteran who suffered 80 percent hearing loss in one ear while serving in Iraq.

Song: “Chicken Fried”

Chair: He’s well into his song before Cee Lo spins his chair.

Judges reaction: Cee Lo said he was looking for a sign from the crowd that Shawn deserved a spot on his team and he got it.

Performance: Shawn sounds really good and picked a perfect song for his voice. Don’t know about that nickname, but he has a nice tone to his voice. Grade: B

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