After The Voice

No apple pie for Kat Robichaud in her bizarre new video


Kat Robichaud

Kat Robichaud has done it again.

By that I mean she’s served up another bizarre video for one of the superb songs from the album she released earlier this year.

How else could you describe a video that begins with Kat wearing a soiled “suffer-agette” sash, her body smeared with dirt and her head crowned with paper cut-outs of women’s legs?

The song getting the video treatment this time is “Apple Pie and the Knife,” one in which Kat lashes out at the difficulty of being a non-conformist. And sings about some of the criticism she’s faced as a female rocker.

At one point, her video co-stars even try to force feed her apple pie (conformity).

Kat told that the sash she wears in the video is a reference to the days when women stuck together to fight inequality rather than sizing one another up and tearing one another down.

She told me earlier this year that the song has its roots in some of the comments she read and heard while competing on Season 5 of The Voice, when she finished in the Top 10.

“That was an idea that came to me while I was on The Voice,” she said of the song’s title. “And it was me feeling like — well, I took a lot of criticism on the show from internet people saying I was annoyingly aggressive and cocky. And I felt like my male counterparts behaved the exact same way that I did and nobody said that they were cocky. But I was being called cocky, and I think it largely had to do with the fact that I’m a woman.

“Women have to constantly check themselves. Am I coming off too strongly? Too aggressively? Too provocatively? Am I allowed to say this? Am I allowed to do this? When I was getting eliminated, the lyric popped into my head: “You want the apple pie, but I’m the knife, too sharp to swallow.”

“That’s like, I’m not going to be this demure apple pie pop star, shiny, godly character. I’ve got a background in hard rock and roll and I like wearing black. And I like wearing tiny little shorts on stage and flipping people the finger and being an aggressive, fun rock and roller. If a man did that on stage, no controversy whatsoever. If a woman does it: Oh, my God.”

Not fitting in — and caring or not caring about not fitting in — is a recurring theme on the album Kat released back in January. The album’s even called “Kat Robichaud and the Darling Misfits;” Kat says the darling misfits refers to “anybody who’s ever felt like they don’t belong,”

“Apple Pie and the Knife” is the third song that excellent album to become a video, following “Somebody Call the Doctor” and “Why Do You Love Me Now.”

To keep up with Kat, check out her website or follow her on Twitter at @katrowbeeshow.

Now, here’s that latest video.

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