The Voice

Noah Mac latest victim of Voice’s instant save folly


Red Marlow, Adam Cunningham and Noah Mac await instant save results on The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

Red Marlow, Adam Cunningham and Noah Mac await instant save results on The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

Gotta say, I had mixed feelings when the instant save results came in on The Voice Tuesday night.

On one hand, it was hard not to feel happy for Red Marlow, who seems like a great guy, has been consistently impressive throughout the show and deserved a spot in the finals.

On the other hand, it was hard to feel bad for Noah Mac. I mean, when it comes to teenagers musically advanced beyond their years, this guy is the male mirror image of Addison Agen.

And he’d just become the latest victim of The Voice instant save that I continue to consider blatantly unfair to any contestant living on the West Coast with a West Coast heavy fan base.


1. Noah did better than any contestant not named Chloe Kohanski on iTunes following Monday’s show. His duet with Chloe hit number three on iTunes; it was the only duet in the Top 10. His solo song hit number seven, two spots behind Red.

2. I checked Twitter support at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, just a half hour before the results show began. Noah had 20,600 Twitter followers. Red had 12,900.

3. Noah picked up 13,000 of those Twitter followers since the live shows began on The Voice. In other words, he picked them up because of his participation on The Voice.

So with Twitter support like that, how did he miss out on the instant save?

Could it be because the Twitter voting takes place on East Coast time, hours before Noah’s West Coast fans sit down to watch the show?

Could it be because when Blake Shelton sends out a tweet asking his followers to save Red, he’s tweeting to more than 20 million followers? Compared to the 4 million Twitter followers Jennifer Hudson has?

I know this: Noah’s elimination means West Coast contestants are now 0 for 9 when competing for a Twitter save on The Voice.

And I know this: Following Monday’s live show, fans spent 14 hours voting, downloading and streaming to support their favorites.

Yet The Voice insists on throwing out those results and using a five-minute Twitter redo on East Coast time to determine who goes home each week.

Someone, anyone, please explain to me how that’s fair.

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1 Comment

  1. TiredofTripe December 13, 2017 at 1:17 pm -  Reply

    Get rid of the Twitter Save.

    Make the voting rules clear. (So many people still think downloads are the only method of voting. )

    Get rid of the duets counting as votes.

    Please realize that “The Voice” only cares about the coaches and the money.

    Contestants are at best secondary. At worst, they are just paper dolls.

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